Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Free Time

So with the many opportunities I had to be with my little brother this Christmas break we do what we like to do together the best. That is, video games. Glorious video games. I always have a dilemma as to whether or not they are a waste of time that I've yet to find a conclusion on and I don't think I ever will, but I always feel it's a good thing to do with my little bro. This time we focused a lot on Zelda and Tales of Symphonia and I am going to take this opportunity to geek out about zelda.

There's a reason why Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda Game. One I beat it 100% with the help of a guide book.... Two,


How could you not love a game with such a cute main character. He gets to wear a bunny mask :D You wear it and it makes you run faster. Not only does that help your patience with getting around in the game...but it's...it's...bunny ears. :D

It reminds me of those Christmas hats that people wear during the holidays. I've never really felt brave enough to do it in public...one of my friends convinced me to do it once, but I felt very self-conscious. X(
But if, when I wore one of those funny Christmas hats, it gave me the ability to run faster...I think I'd wear it then.

Lastly that I'm going to list is that the storyline (and artwork) is fantastic. It flows, it makes sense, there's motive, intrigue, awesome masks, and such a large intertwining story that it just completes itself into an exquisite source of entertainment.



Friday, December 26, 2008

Au Courant Accessoires-2

I was shopping this Christmas when the thought occurred to me...will it ever be 'in' for women to shave their head? Cause some of the mannequins didn't have wigs on...and it just seemed like a funny world if it were to ever happen. If it did happen then a wig would become an all to common accessory wouldn't it (or not?)...I'm sure the hat company's would love it too. Luckily for me it's against my religion to shave my head (I would classify it as an extreme hairstyle)...so I'm safe from becoming even close to a skin head...

This also got me wondering...what will happen when contacts take the whole 'glasses' market. Is it, too, something that will fall to fashion!? At my high school the ROTC kept a back lot of things that had fallen by the wayside; typewriters, skis (for Californians I suppose), and lots of furniture. If I were to visit that lot 5 years from now would I find a stockpile of glasses there? I certainly hope not. I don't like contacts. (check out the picture for what my new glasses sorta look like! :D)

Then I was asked my opinion as to whether or not I thought the iPOD would be obsolete in a year. Isn't that a horrible thought? Especially since I just invested in one...Alas...it's a good thing that all these things are considered accessories. Life goes on. I imagine the things I collect in life will only loose value if I let them. I'm reminded of a laundry line that my Grandpa had. Although he still used it for hanging laundry my brother and I would still have fun spinning it around and such until one day it broke at the base. Still...my Grandpa employed that laundry hanger with avarice (just on it's side), and we simply ignored it because it no longer spun for us.

With Christmas over it would be good to remember that no matter what you recieved it's important to decide what you want to put your time into to keep the most.

Well...if you were wondering.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Au Courant Accessoires

Don't look at a google search of 'wisdom teeth' right before your operation. In fact...I wouldn't suggest ever doing it unless you are a dentist (which can be the only case of interest for looking at a video on Youtube about getting your teeth out besides wanting to make yourself vomit or seriously unnerved)

There were some words of comfort to be found in my google search, to be sure, but I still would suggest staying far away from the place.

But now I know the real reason why my favorite song this Christmas can be found here->

My dear brother kindly informs me I also sound like a British child, so I suppose it fits all the better...? But the good thing is that I don't look like them!(the chipmunks...not British kids) That's right friends. No swelling for me. I shall consider it a challenge to speak coherently in the near future (you know those british kids) as well as chewing everything I eat, but I won't look like I am hoarding pounds of walnuts in my face...and that's what matters.

Friday, December 19, 2008

It's the end of the...Internet?

So if you are ever in the need of a waste of time I suggest you upload this app. Already it has led me to untold wonders, websites that I already knew about, and peoples amusing take on life. Yesterday I did it once whilst winding down for the evening and I came across the
There it offers some very solid advice.

Having not sat down seriously with a book in awhile, I wanted to dedicate myself to at least finishing one of the following over my Christmas break. For Pete's sake...

The three books I've been attempting to get through this fall (Rights of Man, Wealth of Nations, and Don Quixote de la Mancha) all make the list of course. But the book I'm truly excited about is 'The Russian Novel'. It seems to be a critique on Russian literature of some time period or rather. But I just want to read it for the history. I'm going to make a generality here and say that most people aren't interested in Russian history...but after I borrowed a book from my high school library about the pre-1600's Russia...I was hooked.

The other book I'll read (if I get my hands on it) is by James Herriot. Ah, British Humor in it's finest. I think this is the next book in the 'All Creatures Great and Small' series.

So there's the quixotic goal of my reading list for the break. It can either be a very classic break or amusing depending on the book I end up finishing...or not even reading. XD

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"But that's okaaaay!"

Yay for making fiends! :D So I stumbled upon the gloriousness that is Amy Winfrey when a friend of mine showed me this website. I won't make any recommendations or tell you my favorite cartoon there...because usually people get weirded out. Anyways...

This picture (above) is from her making fiends series...she hasn't updated it in awhile because Nickelodeon is usurping her time and...and...giving her a job. Pssh...no, I'm not truly upset. She'll update it when she can.

But every so often I check it to see if she has made any new episodes. Last week I was dissapointed once again, but she did provide links to a Christmas one and another that I think everyone will be happy to hear that I liked. It's about a not-so-average winter day. But it downplays snow a bit and I, for once, began to feel why people might feel disinclined to like snow. If this happened to me I might not like snow as much...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Miley Cyrus Mercedes

Have you ever gone to the Yahoo homepage? I certainly hope so. There are some very life altering stories there. Well, today I came upon just such a one. It's about Miley Cyrus and what she got for her birthday! I must admit...truthfully...my curiousity was piqued. What could one of the most popular, affluent girls want for her birthday? Well if you haven't clicked on the link provided yet then my hard work at putting it there has gone to waste.

Anyways, she wanted a mercedes. I think if I asked for a mercedes from my mother I would be asking for more than that. Because I know what I would get. An endless lecture about how rich people are horrible and how this relates back to why mormons are wrong. *sigh* Then I'd give up on getting a Mercedes and we'd be back to step one.

I've never believed my mother about rich people as a generality. I don't like to assume the worst in others; to give them an opportunity, so to speak, to prove those so cynical rather wrong. Each situation is different in life and I don't think stereotypes are the best way to go about making yourself attempt to sound informed.

Anyways if someone who was 'rich' and 'therefore horrible' was so malignant as to be mean to me simply because they are rich...there are other ways of getting back at them... *mal rires*

and yes...that car is a mercedes...if you were wondering...because I say so.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sock Monkey

There are many things in my life that I have learned about, but never questioned where or when I learned about them. I can only imagine when I first learned about the wonderfulness that is sock monkeys. But ever since I got more art's and craft's-ie, I could no longer settle with simply admiring them. No, not I. I started to make them. The first one I made was for a Christmas gift exchange...sadly the one person whom I did not want to get it...did...the one person in the WHOLE pot lock that I didn't want to get it...got it...*sigh* who knows where that little sock monkey is now...but then again what do I know. I think I'm too quick to judge.

Anyways, for a ward service project we had the wonderful opportunity to make sock monkeys to give away to a local toy drive.I had the wonderful priviledge of looking up directions on how to make them when I stumbled upon this website. So I think that if I am ever compelled to send Christmas cards...it will first come from this website :)

When I first saw this website I asked myself 'Who takes the time to make Christmas cards with sock monkeys!?!?!" and then I connected it to how much I like my own arts and crafts and have to say...I like the cards better now (or at least I won't laugh at them...but with them ;)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


:D So the title of this post is in honor of the movie 'Get Smart'. Glorious movie, and one of the 5 I saw over Thanksgiving break. Yes, it would seem my friends and family consider me a large movie go-er because with the short amount of time I had at home I was privileged to see oh so many. It's almost one a day! Yesh...anyways I thought I'd take this opportunity to expound on cursing.

From the ever so elusive c-word (elusive because most people don't consider it a curse word besides me) to the F bomb, there are many a words we use to curse various objects. This has been an odd battle for me, I don't want to impose my own feelings on my friends and family, and that's why I've often kept my reasons for not cursing to myself. Anyways, there's three main reasons

  1. If I started I would never stop. I used to curse like a Sailor when I was younger and I find that if I stray a little by letting certain words or phrases slip that I find it harder to stop than before.
  2. It's profane and improper. It just doesn't sound like you are able to control yourself let alone your anger. It causes hesitation that instead of thinking of a solution to a situation that you're cursing you're busy blasting it with various phrases. I really feel it shows a lack of self control. Plus if I'm angry I tend to lash out at others irrationally.
  3. You aught to be able to describe yourself with articulate and well-thought out vernacular. I think that with the assistance of self-control one can come to a better expression of oneself than just angry thoughtless cursing.
OK... so 2 and 3 are kinda the same...but yeah. Mind you these are like the extremes of my opinions. When someone curses in front of my I'm not secretly thinking to myself "Idiot", far from it. I concentrate more on not letting it get into my own thoughts. I think that everyone aught to have their agency. I don't like it when someone curses around me but that's life. I do occasionally ask people to tone it town a bit...but that doesn't happen too often. And in the end I hope no one is offended by my opinion. It's more of an idiosyncrasy of mine than something you should take to heart. :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Farm games

That is a huge picture...anyways...

So I made the horrible mistake at looking at pictures of wide-open spaces and beautiful farm land today. Back in my 'younger' days I was fortunate enough to stumble upon the video game franchise of Harvest Moon (I might have mentioned it before...maybe) and it has brought a marvelous love into my heart to all things farm-ish related. But I rarely play it now because it's a large time investment that I don't like to invest in any longer.

The reason for the farm pictures is that I just finished watching 'Anne of Green Gables'. It's the second book-turned-into-movie that I've seen before reading the book that I think I might regret since I actually want to read the books...albeit it was a good movie, but a friend of mine already informed me that it strays far from the book...and that fills me with as much regret as getting a first-edition trading card and later finding out it's actually fake.

On a happier note, I just LOVE FARMS!!!! I don't know why I have this passion. I've never lived on a farm, I haven't even visited a real one (like walk around on one and see a barn or something), and the only contact I've had with cows is driving through the stench and drudgery that is the road to Modesto. Why I like them I don't know. I base a lot of my knowledge about farmers from James Herriot's series All Creatures Great and Small and the various efforts of my family to have a small garden. But I don't think gardens are the same as farms...*sigh* when I'm older I plan on investing in one. They are just so beautiful. I believe that if everyone upheld a good sized farm the world would be a better place...over-run with tomatoes and corn...but I think people would appreciate life and the beauty of the earth more.

Monday, November 17, 2008


:D This has got to be the best news on the...news...or at least yahoo.com...ALL DAY!!!!

Adding the word 'meh' to the dictionary!!!!!

If you manage to read that whole article I just want to say that I'm vying for huggles to be added next.

Personally I started to use meh with my family as soon as I saw that first Simpson's episode (we're big fans). It would often be used against me though when I would ask my brother his opinion and I'd get the ever present 'meh...' in return. Pssh...anyways, apparently it's success in getting put into the dictionary came from it's use through the internet. My friend and I, when chatting online, came up with one of my favorite other 'internet' sayings and that's 'cool neabs' :D random information I know, but how else will neabs get put into the dictionary if I don't propagate it!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Milton Friedman

He is one of the greatest econ figure heads of our time. He died two years ago today and I've always felt that I was stepping into a field where a whole, very important chunk had fallen off the earth. I still look forward to reading his complete works...so far I have finished his autobiography. It's a start...yes...I'm worried to say I know much of his concepts because so far I've only learned from my professors what Friedman taught and researched. Well, we'll see if I can't fix that in the future. :)

Kudos to you anyways Mr. Friedman.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And the forcast for today...

...is not snow :(

If you ever want me to have a bad day, tell me it's going to snow when it's not going to. I was promised snow both Monday and Tuesday...and it never came...

It snowed for the first time this season last Wednesday and believe you me! I got ready in 2/3 the time it usually takes and messed around in the snow while I was waiting for my walking buddy...

Isn't my snowman cute! I'm sure I immensely peeved whosever car that was...but I LOVE SNOW! I like to think my love cancels out their hate.

I was so excited I even got mittens!
Alas...it wasn't meant to be...*tear*

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Prop 8

In lieu of the controversial Proposition 8 in California, I wanted to write my thoughts down. What really got me thinking of the thing was not only the propaganda/propaganda going around, but also insights from a class I had awhile ago that talked about the passage found in Matthew 19:3-12 that alights upon the subject.

My ideal family has always been one of man and wife. I have been brought up in an LDS (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) family and have been taught that marriage is between a man and woman all my life. Many who oppose this singular opinion resent my apparent lack of effort to gain it. But you must remember that I am claiming this as my opinion whether or not you doubt it's sincerity; may that be what testament I can give to the skeptic.

I haven't really thought about homosexuality as much as I'd have liked. What I mean by that is I don't feel my opinion is as definite as it should be. I still feel undecided; as if I couldn't come up with an ultimatum for or against it even if I wanted to. There are a lot of intertwining aspects that make it a whole 'issue' that I have yet to find a complete answer to. Though the thing is, I would still vote yes on Prop 8...If it had been down-turned the ramifications would have been too unsure for my personal future to let it pass. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (as well as all others who support marriage between man and wife) could have been sued for not recognizing gay couples in matrimony.

'Good' some people would say. They equate not allowing gay marriage to the racist arguments of old (it's in one of the No on Prop 8 videos). They slander such opinions with emotional words such as bigotry, discrimination, and labeling us as labeling them for mere second-class citizens without even considering what they are accosting their opponents of. Now I understand I just took this last paragraph from the 'No on prop 8' website and that not everyone has the exact opinion as that organization, I am merely pointing out a extreme.

My resounding cry is absolutely no! No to such accusations. Disliking someones ancestry and disliking someones lifestyle are not equatable. Plus I am allowed to have my opinion as is every person on this earth, it's how I act upon that opinion that sets us apart from the bigots no matter how lightly/heavily you wish to apply the term. I prefer to be loving of my fellowman, that doesn't mean I have to love the actions they take. A person may often be defined by their actions; but I don't love Dulcinea because she made the choices of a harlot, but because of who she was.

Whose freedoms in the end are taken away from this ensuing struggle? The homosexual community who want marriage or the religious heterosexual whose beliefs, from attempts to use the government as an instrument, are being forced to bend in the name of tolerance? That is the main comparison I am making through this struggle for legislative victory. As for bigotry I know a religion that teaches one, anyone, is inferior because of skin tone or sexual inclinations is not of God. Man is created equal. But the gay community feels inferior because they cannot have marriage...I believe there is a reason why a man and a woman united in matrimony is the original idea of a family, and from there raising children. Marriage is an ideal, that ideal challenged not only by gays but single parents, the divorced, widows, celibates, and others unmentioned here.

My plea is this. Consider that you are forcing me to change my religious beliefs, my religious freedom, that a man and woman are divinely appointed to have children in a married environment (adapted to the variety of situations for people in life out of their control) in order for a same-sex couple to purposefully enter a relationship where I feel they cannot fulfill that filial responsibility of having children. I believe any man or woman can affect a child's life for good, that yes men and women are created equal, and yes there can be extreme love for one of the same sex (please recall the differences between love and lust)(some personal definitions for me-> love and lust). But there is an ideal to be had...and an institution known as marriage between man and wife that tries to uphold that ideal.

In Matthew 19 the Savior himself touches on the issue of celibacy. And I take the passage as a warning to the despairing. He lightly points out that those who are able to receive it aught to. But I want you to read that passage and interpret yourself what you will; it brings me comfort and I hope to share it with others even if they are not Christian...take the words as a philosophers view on life if you dislike Christianity even.

Also please read this article by the church...it unclogs the mind as to rumors spread about it I think.

Anyways...Like I said before I am still unsure in my footing here because of all the strings that make the mesh of the Prop 8 issue and therefore I don't have a good conclusion to this post. But I believe in agency and tolerance, and I expect the same in return...in the end let us not stray from having love for our fellowman though...ever.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Smart Cars

So I was being a smart-alick the other day and teasing my sister about how she gets around down in Peru. Fortunately for me she appeased my humor by giving me a picture of how she does,

and I love it! :D A bike with cushioned seats and a designed tent around it! :D It almost beats my irrational desire to own a smart car!

Ah...the glorious smart car :D (it's the red one...if you don't know what a smart car is...shame on you...)

Anyways, along with my random mentioning of vehicles I like, I've finally decided against ever owning a moped. I started wanting one when, in my French class, we learned that they were quite the fashionable mode of transportation in France (only because you can't get your drivers license for a car til you're older or something like that). But then I rode one the other day down a rather steep hill, I thought to myself "I could die right now...or get serious scars." That being thought, my desire to own one went down just as fast as we 'sped' down that hill.

Yay for small vehicles anyways :D Though I do like to cheat on them every once in awhile (minus the jeep)...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Great-Grandma Pierce

My Father called me this evening and informed me about the death of my Great-Grandmother. She died on Sunday evening and I only hope she went well. My Father isn't the most descriptive, but I don't mind. I feel almost guilty writing this post what with past occurances this year, but I think my family members are worth, at least, one post no matter what people think I am trying to vie for.

She was such a marvelous woman, to the best of my remembrance. The last time I was able to visit her was around 10 years ago. She was the one that inspired me to start my art-related pursuits. She is a glorious painter. heh, I remember the one and only time she let me play with her paint set. Let's just say after that day I was determined to never waste art materials ever again. It's also why I don't paint.
Let's see how else she impacted me...I like malt-o-meal/oatmeal with sprinkles because of her (I remember she let me have coco puffs once too...), I also adore keyboards because she would let me mess with hers even though I didn't know how to play then, and I love her last name...always have. I love my Great-Grandma, even though I've spent so little time with her.

I'm going to have to ask my Dad for one of her paintings for my apt...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Greg E. McDougle

I've had this irrational thought in my head for the past two days that I was going to get a package in the mail. Mostly because I wanted one. Well, today I remembered why I had the thought in the first place. My dearest Seminary Teacher, and in my opinion the best, Janet Klappoth had promised to send me a recording of my favorite Cantata pieces, per my request. Funny how life works huh XD

Anyways, they are composed by Greg E. McDougle and they come from his 'Eden' soundtrack...some of the songs that is...but he has also compiled a Cantata called "Jesus is the Christ: A Sacred Cantata" and I LOVE IT!!!! I don't know how to put music on here...I don't think I can, but I did a google search and I found this! :D Thank you BYU channel for playing all church music all the time! Sadly I think they only have songs from his Eden soundtrack thing...and personally I like the cantata better...but I might be biased because I sang in the thing...yesh...GLORIOUS! :D

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


It would seem that for once in my life, google fight has failed me...firstly it didn't work and secondly when I did the search engine thingy myself I didn't get the answer I wanted...


yeah...the winner was (to me) surprisingly work. (1,240,000,000 hits to 1,830,000,000 hits respectively)

Well, I am sure it's comforting to everyone that I am not going to let googlefight govern my life. I am however seeking...a new horizon if you will...in my life. I gave in...or gave up. Whichever you wish to view it as. I am now a real full time student for I no longer work part-time for one of my jobs. It's a sad day for me because I really enjoyed working lunches at the good ol' catering business...alas it's a healthy adjustment. Or at least I have to keep telling myself that. *sigh*

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Divine Comedy!!!!

As soon as my friends heard that I was going to BYU, they became more excited than I was. This was none more evident than when they found a DVD of a BYU comedy troupe and demanded that I see it. It sounded like a good time, as any time with friends does, and went to go see the movie. I was never the same again.

I based a lot of my future BYU experience on that DVD. I knew the community college's name(UVSC) before all my fellow freshman, that BYU had a math lab before I even knew I would be spending most of my time in there, and was taught the art of giving better talks as well ;) Of course now that I am at BYU the jokes make more sense @_@;

Anyways, since I have come to BYU I have not missed a single performance. Now the DVD itself was apparently part of the 'glory days' of Divine Comedy. But I am willing to defend my generation of comedians. :D They are glorious!

*sigh* I was going to upload a video of the most recent performance I went to...but it would seem that I am not quite tech savvy enough to get it on here. So I will at least provide a supplement. Here's a list of my favorites (on youtube).

Oregon Trail
(I haven't seen this one live, but I liked it :D) K.I.L.L.

:D It makes me oh so happy inside :D

Monday, October 13, 2008


:D I got to give blood today! I love giving blood. I've looked forward to it ever since I was finally old enough to. :D Once again I avidly read through the pamphlet the red cross has you read. Albeit it's becoming redundant to reread the thing every time...but that's the relationship I have with paperwork.

For the benefit of those who have never given blood (which you should if you can >:p ) next they poke you're finger to see if you have iron and such, take your pulse, temperature, have you answer questions that you've just read 5 seconds ago (or just me since I reread the thing every time) , and then take your healthy little self over to get your blood taken.

Sadly the nurses don't have name tags...but my nurse was very nice. Whenever I get my blood taken I get somewhat nervous/anxious even though I've done it before. I think it's because I really have to humble myself to let someone poke me with a needle for 5 minutes and take a part of me away. I wasn't very good at hiding my anxiety this time and I noted a panicked look in my nurses eyes as I fidgeted. But as always it all goes away and I then get to sit there awkwardly with no one to talk to...until the nurse tells me that "Wow, you bled in 4 minutes and 49 seconds! Good job!". I morbidly respond "Good for giving blood, bad for bleeding to death" XD I'd like to take all the credit though, my bloodstream had nothing to do with it.

Well, in the end it was another wonderful experience. Though the doctors there are very careful to make it so. Like how they are very attentive to my snacking needs (yogurt trail mix=best trail mix ever) as well as the music playing; they skipped Leona Lewis's Bleeding Love song which caused the bored people waiting to laugh...nervously? XD

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bust my Buttons!

I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain.
And my head I'd be scratchin' while
my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.

With a week full of catch-up work behind me and many weeks ahead of holing myself up somewhere to study, I thought I'd watch the Wizard of Oz. Some do claim that it does have something to do with economics which I will use as one of my excuses for watching it...but I have always loved the song that the scarecrow sings...even if I feel like I am degrading myself somehow by singing it. Because I don't mean it! It's just awkward when I start to whistle/hum it and then I start to think about what I think others are thinking X( But I really like the song...such a paradox.

Anyways...I was in church today sitting next to my friend when the speaker said roughly the following. 'My sister is about to have a kid and how horrible would it be if she didn't teach that kid how to walk! It would be impossible to go through life without that skill.' I then leaned over to my friend and said 'That's when a person in a wheelchair would leave the room'. So we had a laugh and then he told me about this. So informed, and it was so very amusing to me that I had to share it with you. The Chuck that Mr. Biden is referring to is a man who is in a wheelchair if you don't get the reference I am trying to make. Truly the speaker was not trying to make fun of handicapped people, but the irony is rather paramount.

It's the second time a public speaker has said something to that effect whilst I was attending to their address and I have to say it has made me more aware of what I say. Albeit it helps make church a more unique experience. I know I can't have empathy (as of yet) with the physically handicapped and I often wonder how I chanced upon this kind of life. I must need not abuse it then...though I will always want to be jealous of the motorized shopping carts they have at...shopping marts...but it's stupid of me to be so when I have two perfectly good legs. X( anyways...after today I think my ferver will burn anew to take the stairs when I can.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Compy Tails

I don't know how to put this in an exciting-to-read way, so I'mma just go ahead and say it. That is, I got myself my very own laptop. Whoot for me to say the least. So one of the first things I wanted to do was give it a name...mostly I'll just be calling it my compy because I like the word...but I think it's like 'middle name' will be Tails (after Sonic the Hedghogs sidekick if you haven't guessed that by now). Tails has always been my favorite character, especially back when Sonic used to be American. No I have no problem with the Japanese Sonic the Hedghog (besides the plotlines), but the American one always had better...plotlines...and characters...anyways...Why you might ask? Well, whenever my computer tells me to wait it uses a small blue rotating ball instead of an hourglass next to the mouse arrow thing...at first this will annoy me because I am human and small changes are more obnoxious to me for some reason :P But I'll get used to it because I don't want to download a new cursor...:D and who wouldn't like to be reminded of Sonic the Hedghog every time they are waiting for something to load on their computer!?

Another accomplishment of this week is that I finished my Joker picture! It now hangs in my front room creaping out/awe inspiring every person that has the chance to see it. I have to say this isn't going to be good for my vanity XD but I do love it! Lot's of people found it ironic that I drew it during General Conference...but I don't! :(

"I'll admit there is some truth to it. Joker does not induce fear in me, but utter abhorrence. He is an evil that the world can do without...one who enjoys suffering and pain. He is not right. I want to do everything in my power to cease such evil [...] with-in the bounds of agency-upholding."
-My Journal "10/5/08

So that's the best defense I can come up with for my 'ironic' drawing.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Failure...I looked up the definition of the word just for this post and I have to say my favorite definition would have to be

3. a subnormal quantity or quality; an insufficiency: the failure of crops.

Probably because it is the closest to an econ definition as I can get without it being Econ...but the next best definition was

7. Strawboat on her Econ test.

so yes...I did so insufficiently on that test that I made it into the online dictionary...wouldn't that be spiffy? Maybe I'd fail at tests more often...on purpose those times though. But what I like the most about myself is that I automatically try to find solutions to remedy my current panic or crisis. I shall become good friends with my TA this semester that I am pretty sure I'll be getting him a chouette Christmas present. There shall be no white flag on my door!...That sounds better in the song I got it from. XC *sigh* I'm going to go bury myself in my drawings now...

Thursday, October 2, 2008


By the end of this week...I SHOULD be able to do this X(. When I look at hard math problems(not that this one is hard...I haven't tried it yet) I like to think to myself, 'Where did this come from?' Usually there is always a big name from history than can be thrown out who can be accredited with such a feat. But it must take some serious imagination to come up with calculations...particularly calculus...that can be used to describe some aspects of life.

And yet I find that the people I consider to be the great minds of our times are not often found in the realms of math and science...and yet it takes so much work to get results from that field. I prefer literary giants to mathematical whizzes...

Anyways, I am just pondering on these things because I am currently burdened with learning how to do these things that historical mathematicians came up with...fun stuff no?

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Ok, this is going to be a depressing post, but I felt the need to pay some tribute to my Grandpa for he was such an interesting part in my life.

Sadly I cannot afford a picture to my readers of him because any that I do have cannot currently get on the computer. But if you would picture him in your mind's eye...He was a tall man who steadily attained a rocking gait as he aged through my life. He walked well though for that was one of his main hobbies. He had pristine blue eyes that weren't bright, but the intelligence and concern were still evident in all of his looks. He always had his characteristic straw hat--always forgotten after a Sunday dinner--and broken-in blue sweatshirt. Humility became his trademark in my later years and he always strove to offend no one. His smile would have been perfect if not for what old age does to teeth.Being a hard worker to the end, evidenced by the sunspots on his head, and I will always have fond memories of him and our tulips. He was truly a paternal figure...of sorts.

He died today. I got the call from my mom some time after church. It's an interesting conflict of emotions. Odd enough I have only seen my mother go through the experience of her parents dying...and I still remember when my Grandma died. Hers was the only funeral I've gone to family-wise...so once again maybe I'll be able to develop some empathy for those who go through these things more often than myself.


In my school's newspaper--that I frequent because it has many sub-sections that amuse me; comics, sudoku, police 'reports', and the classifieds--they have a page dedicated to letters to the editor (surprise). I found myself perusing said section and found one about the ever famous 'One Seat Rule'. I'd give you a link to the article...but it's not online yet, so I will sum-up. It's written by a student who tells us of an imaginary person, People Phobia, who goes from class to class not sitting next to people but instead sits one or two seats away. The student also kindly rants about why sitting one seat away from someone is irrational. This is my testament of why angry people are stupid. I'm of a mind that when something like this annoys me in my classes to think it though as to why people do such things. Like, maybe People is 6 feet tall and needs some leg space, or People just thinks it's odd to cram right next to someone in a large auditorium when there are still available seats elsewhere, OR maybe People takes the effort to be on time to class to show the professor that said class time is valuable! I am sure the person who wrote this is very passionate about sitting right next to strangers, but I've yet to attain enough empathy for them to sit down and write a letter to the editor...hehe.

Well...if People Phobia doesn't like sitting next to someone then I offer some advice, don't go to concerts, LIKE I DID ON FRIDAY!!!

Ah, it was glorious! I went to see 'The Rocket Summer' live. Other bands attending were 'The Morning Glory', 'The Secret Handshake', and 'Phantom Planet'. It was in a little venue that was of the old-building type and I quite enjoyed the set-up. The concert itself was moving, smashing, crowd-surfing-ly, loud, euphoric, and full of jumping/shoving goodness. :D Capital experience if I do say so myself! Maybe I should write a letter about it... ;)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Don Quixote...the Lord of La Mancha...oh how much I admire that man. Ok, so actually I like him in the movie more than I admire him in the book (I'm trudging through the unabridged version right now and let me tell you...it's quite long-winded). But that's probably because it's an amazing adaptation about the life of a ficticious character. I don't ever recal recommending the movie over the book though, and I won't start now ;) It's still worth the read!

So it's been a bit since I've last written, but that's because my life is a little quixotic in and of itself at the moment. School started this past...two weeks ago...and I find it's been almost as time consuming as work. :D My math teacher issued me the challenge of cutting down my hours and if he had any intention of convincing me to do so, he wouldn't have challenged me. So now I'm watching my juggling act between the various aspects of life this week to see if I have the ability to keep up my routine or if I need to squash my pride and make some healthy adjustments. I need to go on a time diet :D Maybe I should see if that's a vocab word for my healthy living course. Tempting.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I awoke Monday morning-Memorial day as I liked to call it apparently (My sister in Peru even knew it was Labor day *sigh*)-to my loverly roommate making me breakfast. Maple Syrup included *sigh* It was glorious! Anyways, in attendance were old roomies, new ones, and her boyfriend. Can you guess what we were celebrating? Not Memorial day obviously...but her birthday! Happy Birthday again Lisa! Oh...and I'll be getting your present soon *evil laughter* But on Labor Day I finally found my definition of me! Or at least the best one yet. I was called 'most satirical person' ever met! So since I've always be vaguely aware that satire made fun of something I decided to look it up on dictionary.com! It's perfect! Exactly me! Well...maybe burlesque (definition #6) is more appropriate according to the synonymns XD So I thought I'd share my enthusiasm with my fellows as I thought it would interest them! American's are prone to like definitions as it is our quest to define everything ;)

So this post has another purpose and that's to share my Sunday doodles! I would have put these up yesterday...but I was kicked out of the computer lab for using the computer for 'non-academic' reasons... >:( riiiiiight....
Zebra+Horse: I was challenged by a friend to draw this. What? Do you think I don't have imagination enough for this? I even drew it in color for goodness sake! That's right...try me and I will amaze you with 8-legged horse zebras! :D JK, I'm not really offended, it was actually a great idea ;)
2 koalas: but it's been done before! I seem to put the most effort into chimera's that combine two animals of the same kin...who knew? That' a perty tough koala don'tcha think?
Duck+Hippo: This chimera gets a name. His name is Huck and I love him! My only disappointment is that I didn't have orange on my multi-colored pen! :( sad day. But I find the 'ugly' creatures are the ones I tend to like the most...

So I hope you enjoyed them *bows* til next week!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Beyond a Saturday Morning Cartoon.

I have just finished one of the greatest series in cartoon history. Yes I watch cartoons. I love animation and I always will. But so far...Avatar has been my favorite. No, not even the season 1 finale of Pokemon even compares...or the end of the first three seasons of Digimon. Ok...so those were on when I was like 8 and a very long time ago. But I still remember how wonderful and complete I felt after watching a great cartoon episode, or finished an inspiring book, or even finish a great conversation with an old friend. But sad to say...Avatar has topped all of the cartoons I've ever watched.

Not only was the animation glorious in each episode, as some animators are prone to cut out on when a series gets popular enough and kids rarely notice anyways, but the list goes on! The storyline was amazing. The characters were thinking beings that were unique, not repeat characters from storylines before it. Even when they had filler episodes, I didn't finish the episode with a sense of wasted time...beyond being mad that I didn't get to see cool action sequences...but alas you can't have your cake and eat it too...anyways, but when the saturday morning cartoon world has taken a turn for chaotic and retarted, Avatar was more than a breath of fresh air. It also helped that it had japanese anime humour in it even though it was created by an American (according to my knowledge) so it's not even anime!

But I almost didn't watch it. Why, you might ask, when so close to the very end do you decide to stop watching it? It tends to happen more often than not with me if you must know. Just like how I'll usually only leave one bite of food left on my plate no matter how good the meal, I tend to stave off finishing most entertainment related things. For Avatar it was because a new episode hadn't come out in awhile and two weeks ago my brother informed me that the season had ended O.O yes...so it took a bit for me to get a hold of internet that would allow me to watch the episodes (which I have every intention of buying all of them on DVD when they come out in a box set, I just don't do 4 episodes per cd for it's just wrong!). During that down time I told my Dad of my excitement...and he said that I should use my time for better things. I respect my Father's opinion in all things. So I decided to think about it.

I once read up to The Crossroads of Twilight in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan and stopped there because I felt the story was getting too...disgusting. I didn't like the way all of the main characters where going...except for Matt whose only problem was cursing in the cursing of his world...language...religious...things...yeah. Read the book. Anyways, there was a reason to stop reading that series. I decided despite the fact that Robert Jordan was the greatest author I've ever read, that I would stop because I did not feel comfortable with the story. But from my Father I felt the only reason to stop watching Avatar was because I should use my time for better things.

I want to seek out better things with my time...but have you ever seen Avatar? I love it sooooooo much! It has such morals in it, transcending a story, that actually inspire me to be a better person. Ridiculous? Go watch a few episodes and then you'll see what I mean. That show is beyond a Saturday morning cartoon. That's what led me to watch it despite my Father's promptings. I knew it was better and I knew I wanted to watch it.

Other awesome cartoons that come with my recommendation are 'The Fairly Odd Parents', 'Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends', and 'The Muppet's Show'...ok so that last one is old and not really a cartoon per-say but I'm trying to get through season 2 now so that I can start on season 3 :D staring Fozzie Bear on the cover! Waka waka! I'm still trying to find the episode with Han Solo and Luke Skywalker on it...it's not on season one and I haven't seen it in season two yet...>:( hyum...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sunday Do-dalls

So I had a marvelous time again on Sunday in church. The talks flowed very well into one another and the topics were well versed (the guy talking about prayer knew his stuff!). Ok...they were spiritually uplifting as well. Yes I realize that it is Thursday and that I'm a little tardy in my posting with these doodles. I also want YOU to realize how hard it is to type right now. I am trying to update my life so that I can feel organized for the fall semester next week. Who knew it would involve so much typing! I guess I wouldn't make a good secretary...nah, I could handle it I think :)...I'd complain more if I broke my index finger I think *knocks on wood*...So anyways...doodles...
This week I was contemplating about a class I will be taking in Winter. How do I know I'll be taking it? Because I want it bad enough that I will make sure that I get to take it ;) Anyways, enough veiled threats. I love snow. I can't stand not having it right now XD, jk. I also enjoy the sun, beach, warmth, etc. but snow holds a special place in my heart cause I have always dreamed of going to it all of my life...and never was able to (until last year :D) because I didn't take the time to plan trips and such. So now I have decided to get up the guts to take a skiing class when my friend(s) mention(s/ed) to me that they also offer snowboarding... Now...I want to take skiing because my dad says he is good enough to go professional (or was in his youth) and I believe him. BUT SNOWBOARDING LOOKS SO MUCH COOLER!!! But then again how would I know the difference?
See how cool my drawing looks! Well...my imagination is all I have for right now...but I'm still leaning towards skiing. Yes...I think skiing.

I also have big plans for my free time (which looks like I don't have much of it anyways, but its fun to have goals). I am going to draw this!
Except it will be in black and white and in charcoal :D I learned how to do it in my drawing class and I am so excited that I had to share it! :D

Well...that's about it :) Sorry I didn't draw any chimeras this week, I didn't ask anyone for two animals so I couldn't draw them combined into one...sad day...If you truly miss my chimeras then I'll put up some old ones. :D

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sickly Sweet

Today I had enough Maple Syrup on my leg alone that, if I had enough waffles to go with it, I would have been able to feed a small village. How did this happen you might ask? Well at work we served a large breakfast (which went marvelously) and for clean-up we had to ship all the dishes to the temp dishwasher. In two of our hot keepers (they keep the food...hot...) there were pans of uncovered (>.<) maple syrup and by the end of said trip were no longer in the pans but all over said hot keepers. *sigh* I am sad that I don't have any pictures. Perhaps I should start bringing my camera with me everywhere...actually I'd rather not get maple syrup on my camera...here, I'll describe what it looked like instead . You shall now imagine those modern art pictures where people just throw splatters of paint on the wall and call it art...that was my legs, shoes, and polo shirt. I could have been an exhibit in LACMA...I suppose it was better than taking a bottle of syrup and having it ooze everywhere...or better yet! I could jump into a mollases bucket! XD See...one of my bosses saw me in my sticky situation and he said "I've heard of jumping in a mollases bucket...but just covering yourself in syrup!?" hehe. Man...now I want to try it too :p...but the hot keeper I was cleaning might as well've not been cleaned because no matter what I did it still leaked maple syrup everywhere! Isn't that odd? I'm not too annoyed about getting sticky beyond all reasoning...but I'm upset that I didn't clean something up to par because I couldn't do so without dismantling the thing. >:(

Anyways...the moral of the story is wear an apron :D

Here's a random fact for you too that always makes me giggle :D
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I got to listen to the beach boys this week! So when I am in my apartment I like to listen to my wonderful cds. For the Beach Boys I realized I hadn't listened to them forever! You know how if you listen to a cd enough you start to think that the songs on said cd HAVE to come one after the other or it just doesn't sound right? Yeah, well that's how I feel about my Beach Boys cd. And it's glorious. Anyways, so that's a good point.

I also got a new phone this week. I had decided earlier in the year that I wanted a new phone because it's been a year and a half since I got my first one :D and it's taken me about 3 months to finally buy it. I decided on the LG Shine (sorry to my poll that didn't really matter in the end it seems) because...well cause I still don't want to pay for my phone if I don't have to. I just bum off my dad for right now. :D But I decided to get texting too and it's been marvelous so far :D

The other wonderful things are rather simple...like seeing the sun rise, watching the Village, eating a heath bar, realizing the importance of friends, and picking up my drawings from my teacher. In the end I learned a lot from this week...and that makes me like it even though it was rather hard. :)

um...I hope you enjoyed the update about my week. %)

Thursday, August 21, 2008


*sigh* You know, I don't believe I've had this 'bad' of a week in awhile @_@ ok it wasn't bad it was just hard. But there have been many a good things as well I suppose. So this is going to be a long post :)

Firstly...I stole something :( the last time I felt this bad was when I ditched primary :( maybe there's something else I feel bad for, but I've suppressed those memories it would seem. Anyways, it has to be one of the stupidest things I have done in my life. I talked to my dad about it and he was like "If you need money for anything then just let me know and I'll send you some!" X( I guarantee you that was the LAST thing on my mind, if anything was, when I stole what I did...ok...now I'll tell you...future employers feel free to stop reading here...I stole a smoothie X( Isn't that the most anti-climatic thing you've ever read? Anyways I did, and it was horrible. See I had just learned how to use the shaved ice/smoothie machine in a restaurant I frequent and I really wanted to be...idk...cool? no...I just like making smoothies...I was just X( I can't even explain what I was thinking...you know what...see the comic on the side label. Basically I have a question mark for my thoughts cause even I don't know what I was thinking. I remember even staring at the ingredients before I made the thing and saying to myself "This is stealing"...AND I DID IT ANYWAYS...guh...I am an untard sometimes. But, lesson learned. I went in and payed for it on Monday. Penance paid so now I just have to stop beating myself up about it X(

So then my next favorite thing of the week was my work schedule, which is really encompassed by three things. It was jam packed with irony. And I <3>
1)I worked mornings. Usually I have a morning class and therefore I don't work mornings really. Not that I planned it that way *shifty eyes* but I am a morning person! I got it from early morning seminary I believe...that and I can't sleep in past 10 >.<>
2)I worked in the Cannon Center and The CougarEat. O.o My theory is this. Catering hires its workers out to other places so that they realize how good they have it. A job is only as noble as the person who works it. But I was just...I felt so degraded working for the other dining services on campus. I did meanial tasks, which is all I could REALLY do being a temp for the week. I learned a lot about how to be a better supervisor though. People above me gave me a lot of material...Albeit I had fun working at Subway on Wed...but on Friday all I did was cut bread FOR THREE HOURS. *sigh* Someone has to do it...and it doesn't make you any less of a person. I have met a lot of interesting people this week, and I wish I'd been more talkative. But my mind was way numbed X(
3)I didn't get fed. *cries* In the end it came down to this?Wow...I had to pay for my food. It's not right! I never knew my week would be so bad just because I wasn't fed. I thought I'd be a better person than that. One superviser gave me a 4$ coupon one day...and I have to say that I will always have a special place in my heart for that person. Gold star to you Allan's wife...whose name I never learned...man I feel shallow. XD

Lastly, because I worked so much I didn't get to meet my roommates. I guess I should come to expect it :( So long as I work for catering I won't get to know my room mates. No...I refuse to believe that. :D One can do anything you put your mind to! Or so I like to say to give myself hope...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stake doodles!

Let's see...random updates...I am moved into my apartment (though I didn't get to clean my old one...but I found out that because I worked instead of cleaned I earned enough money to pay for my manager to clean it for me ;)), I want to see 'The Village' in full because the last 2/3 of the movie was good, I need to unpack :D, and I just applied for my first credit card :D fun stuff huh~!?

So this Sunday I got to go to a Stake Sunday service and lo-and-behold I got to go with one of my friends from work :) It was marvelous. I got all dolled up too :D and I found out I have good make-up! Who knew? >.<>Cat+Lemur: you know...if this existed in real life it would just be a good evolution don't you think? Better hearing and better balance on a monkey that can fly through the air at high speeds! A side note...I've been seeing so many cats lately I even had a dream that my dad bought me one :( and I KNOW that'll always be a dream XD
So there was another person that Tammy and I knew would be in our Stake...but he didn't show! So this is what we figured he was doing *tisk tisk* ditching church. We also met another friend there at the meeting...she provided me with crayons :D
haha,I began to draw catering comics (surprise)! . This is a rendition of what happened a few days ago.
And this is the ending of the previous comic.
Fireman: "So...what exactly is a hot keeper? Does it catch fire often?"

But no worries! I still paid attention in church. We heard a lovely talk on how hymns help express our souls. Then Tammy and I got to share our favorite hymns :) I was tempted to request a song without words but refrained myself. It's called 'Supplication' and it's just a prelude found in the kids songbook...and I love it.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Captain Meeting

Alrighty...random updates. Both of my finals went fine I like to think. Now I just have to move soon and all will be right in the world :D

Well, this past Wednesday we had a captains meeting as we are prone to do every month-ish. But my superiors made a fatal mistake and gave me a piece of paper, ensuite, I started to doodle. But they were constructive doodles! I took notes :D So next meeting I'll be able to re-cap what we went over! So we talked of catering as a tree and it was...guh...nevermind...I can't lie. It was horrible. One of my pet peeves is people telling others what their pet peeves are...next comes people taking Church metaphors/allegory's and trying to apply other doctrines to them in a lesson. I can understand when you do that for yourself personally-personal revelation and how things adapt to each of us individually is a whole other story- but not in a meeting or anywhere else should you take an allegory that is meant to tell a unique story about the gospel and try and apply your own 'doctrine' to it. But I respected the lesson anyways and took notes and listened...
So at one point in the catering tree part we talked about what would cut down said tree...figuratively of course...and I just couldn't get Captain Planet out of my head after that! I remember one episode (the only one I remember) where he flew by after someone had cut down a tree and it sprouted a new tree (just like in my picture...except CP is flying...yes)! I remember at the time it was one of the most deep and beautiful things in the world to my young mind. I've always wanted to see it happen irl. I don't think it'll ever happen though :(
So it was suggested to us that we take a 30 min break every 6 hrs we work as this comic implies...but us captains noticed that if we work certain shifts...serve time will be right when your about to serve the food. So the next time I need to direct everyone as to what to do...I'll take a break XD jkjk
With every suggestion we seemed to make, we where then instructed to write said things on our captain evaluations...so by the end of the evening on any of my banquets...this is what I imagined would happen if I actually remembered to write everything...I'm getting better at it though!

So yes...whoot for notes and captain meetings. There was plenty of stuff I missed though cause I can only draw so fast...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Mother I love you..."

Aaaaah....My dearest mother is leaving today after a three day vacation with me. I have to say my favorite part of the whole thing was when I first saw her, :) It was so nice. There is no emocon in existence than express such wonderful-ness. ;) I was sad that I had to work over the past three days I suppose. One might ask "why didn't you take time off!" Well...I suppose it's because I am a God fearing child...and when your mom says not to take work off then you do your best to do as she asks. I can only hope it'll help me live longer? That makes sense I suppose...the more I work the more I can invest in my health I suppose...Unless your like a coal worker or something like that. Catering is a dangerous business I suppose. ;)

Anyways...we mostly walked around and relived my mom's memories and such :D

C'est incroyable!

So I am an hour away from my final and thought I'd post about something or rather.

Bof...I was reading the classified section for the past couple of days because I saw an ad for a job that quite amused me and I've been following it for the past 3 days. It says something along the lines of


:d That is one of the most ridiculous ways to start your ad, by the way. Cause only introverts are going to get excited about seeing the word introvert in bold faced letters and that's exactly what this person doesn't want! I also found two other ones...but don't remember them at the moment, so I'll post them later :). But alas, the ad did not apply to me because I didn't care for it. Not that I'm looking for a new job or anything by looking at the classified sections *shifty eyes*...cause I'm not :D I just like to see the silly things people ask for in the papers.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Les Champignons

We did another activity in French class, as we were prone to do. I have to say that this is my favorite discussion I have ever had in that class...even better than je ne care pas...wait...no, that's pretty hard to beat. Anyways, it's about a kid that won't eat mushrooms (me) and the mom is trying to convince the kid that if she eats them she'll grow just like Mario. :D

Les Champignons

Maman: Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne mange pas tes champignons?

Enfant: Je déteste les champignons!

Maman: Mais, tu es fou! Les champignons sont très délicieux!

Enfant : Non, Ils sont sales! Les couleurs des champignons sont bruns et noirs! Je déteste ces couleurs!

Maman : Mais, ma chérie, beaucoup de gens aiment les champignons.

Enfant : Mince! Les gens me moquent avec le nom <>! Je suis triste!

Maman : Oh, ma pauvre. Mange-tu tes champignons, et après tu vas être grande, comme Mario! Il pris un champignons et il grandit!

Enfant : Vraiment?! D’accord.

Maman : Formidable, mon enfant.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday Doodles

So alas I doodled more than usual in sacrament this week, but most of it isn't my chimeras...so I don't plan on showing it ;) But here is some stuff I doodled!Badger+3-toed sloth: OK...so you remember Peter Rabbit no? By Beatrix Potter? There's a movie? Ewan Mcgreggor!?! anyways, I can't draw a badger and not think of those formerly mentioned wonderful collection of associated things. As such my Slodger is British and has a spectacle. Spectacles and pocket watches never should have gone out of style. *shakes head*
Jaguar+Naked Mole Rat: Ah... the glory that is this cutie. He is so shocked that 1) he exists and 2) at how ridiculous he is. I <3>
So I did a person charactature. That is I ask a person their favorite animal and then I draw them as that animal. Cool huh!? This week a boy told me his favorite animal was a horse, but before he did that he "inconspicuously" asked the other girl next to him what her favorite animal was...so he's a weasel for lying to me...with a broken leg...yes.
So the guy I drew above does actually have a broken leg. Since I delight in the truth and absolutely ~loath~ it when people lie to me, my cynicism did not end at making fun of him as a weasel. No, I had to make fun of him and his lack of ability to win at a butt-kicking contest at this current moment in his life. :D
This is Max the cat :D I love him~! I noticed that everything I drew on Sunday had squinty or small eyes so I decided to draw max...who has saucer eyes and who is trying but failing to squint!

:D yay for doodles!