Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"But that's okaaaay!"

Yay for making fiends! :D So I stumbled upon the gloriousness that is Amy Winfrey when a friend of mine showed me this website. I won't make any recommendations or tell you my favorite cartoon there...because usually people get weirded out. Anyways...

This picture (above) is from her making fiends series...she hasn't updated it in awhile because Nickelodeon is usurping her time her a job., I'm not truly upset. She'll update it when she can.

But every so often I check it to see if she has made any new episodes. Last week I was dissapointed once again, but she did provide links to a Christmas one and another that I think everyone will be happy to hear that I liked. It's about a not-so-average winter day. But it downplays snow a bit and I, for once, began to feel why people might feel disinclined to like snow. If this happened to me I might not like snow as much...

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