Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Great-Grandma Pierce

My Father called me this evening and informed me about the death of my Great-Grandmother. She died on Sunday evening and I only hope she went well. My Father isn't the most descriptive, but I don't mind. I feel almost guilty writing this post what with past occurances this year, but I think my family members are worth, at least, one post no matter what people think I am trying to vie for.

She was such a marvelous woman, to the best of my remembrance. The last time I was able to visit her was around 10 years ago. She was the one that inspired me to start my art-related pursuits. She is a glorious painter. heh, I remember the one and only time she let me play with her paint set. Let's just say after that day I was determined to never waste art materials ever again. It's also why I don't paint.
Let's see how else she impacted me...I like malt-o-meal/oatmeal with sprinkles because of her (I remember she let me have coco puffs once too...), I also adore keyboards because she would let me mess with hers even though I didn't know how to play then, and I love her last name...always have. I love my Great-Grandma, even though I've spent so little time with her.

I'm going to have to ask my Dad for one of her paintings for my apt...

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