Thursday, February 26, 2009

Join the Black Parade!

So I posted a link to the new song that has caused a newfound favor to grow with-in me of it in my last post...but I thought it deserved a bit more than just a link most people won't click on anyways. You see I have a lot of music that I haven't even listened to on my ipod and it bugs me. I've been going through it meticulously and it mostly gives me a headache after about 3 songs; I then switch to music I have heard before. But luckily for me there was this aforementioned gem in my media player that I was ignorant of until yesterday. It's "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance, and even though I just brought my head out of the sand of oldies music to discover it, it's been amazing! I quite left the song on repeat until I half memorized it.

I've also recently discovered the joy that is 'Cajun' music. This is how I 'celebrated' my Mardi Gras, listening to Cajun music. My French teacher suggested it to me and I listened to it for a bit. It gave me the uncontrollable urge to go to a hoe down, so I've begun to refrain from it. But I just wanted to share this album cover that brings me such joy! Mostly I want to make some sarcastic comments about it. But as I've learned in the past 24 hours...the best way to avoid that is to say what I actually think about it. It's so genuine! That man must truly be happy to have his music on that cd...He seems to be saying "Come on down ya'll and have yerself a grand time!". I realize this is a little stereotypical...but I want you to read his bio before you judge me.

oh yes...random afterthought, I was sarcastic today. *sigh* It wasn't even very good. But I'm still going to keep trying! :(

The Winner Week-end

"Because nothing says "you're a loser" more than owning a motivational poster about being a winner."

Well friends, the above picture is my new motivational poster.I have named this marvel of ship-masonry 'The Taco Supreme' (if the picture is too weird to understand how in the world it could be a boat...just imagine a taco with a flag taped to the front of it and you have my boat) I entered it in a styrofoam ship racing contest at a Pirate party yesterday.

It was an intense race from start to finish, fraught with peril and rain gutters. I had to handcraft my vessel to propel forward by only speed of breath. As you can see from the pic, most people opted for normal looking boats with sails. But none stood up to the Taco Supreme!

It's the first tournament I've won in awhile actually. And yes, I am very proud of my styrofoam boat prize. I think I'll have it bronzed in the morning.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Oh Sarcasm...

So today is Mardi Gras, if you didn't know, and I decided to celebrate it in style! Ok...really I just wore a bead necklace all day and was really sarcastic all day, but at the most conservative school in the nation it's a lot more fun than you think it might be (you'll probably deduce why whilst you read on)!

Mardi Gras has been an evolving holiday for me. When I was younger I thought it was a huge party, equivalent to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride...
Then I learned that both scenes are more risk-kay than originally thought. I came to this knowledge when my oh-so-informed older sister's friend informed me that you get Mardi Gras beads for flashing people. My liking for Mardi Gras beads was sadly diminished on that day...they're so cool.
Then there's always the Hunchback of Notre Dame! From this movie I took it to be a holiday to celebrate dead people and how much I love that little goat.

Now I feel it's the day before Lent that everyone does what they are not supposed to the day before they are going to swear it off for 40 days...As such Mardi Gras has become far more ignoble than I once though of it just being an excuse to have a good time. Any way you look at it, I like to 'celebrate' it in my own way because I like Francophone related things.

So there you have the timeline of what Mardi Gras means to me. I also want to take this oppourtunity to let you place bets (unless your giving up betting for lent...) because I plan to give up sarcasm for Lent. That's right. 40 days without me saying one thing sarcastic. No pointedly insulting people without them knowing it, no pointing out the obvious in an altered voice to make a point, and no more...*sigh*...sarcasm. It'll be interesting to say the least and everyone that I've told doesn't think I can do it. Well...I'll let you know the day I fail.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Some Music Videos

My distaste for music videos began in the oh-so-distant past. I was at my cousin's house for a summer break in Modesto, California. Despite it being far from the entertainment capital of the world, I greatly enjoy being in the desert. We would spend our days idly by with the family; activities ranging from video games to chasing chickens in the chicken coup with the 3 dogs in the backyard. One of the other major activities was cable. I had it when I was young but when we moved we couldn't watch it anymore (We were given a choice when we moved; a pool, cable, or a swing set. We chose the pool of course).

As such, cable became a bit of a golden calf for me. Unfortunately, MTV was the only channel that my cousin would watch. He was older than me...and such I never had much success stealing the remote. It was the summer that Brittany Spears became very popular. No matter how many times one of her videos came on, my cousin would watch it. It was getting to the 6th time that I'd seen 'Sometimes' (memorized the different scenes, gaged at the cheesy dance moves, died a little inside) that I decided music videos just weren't my thing. Just thinking about it...guh...I try not to actually.

But I've started to really get into youtube (maybe I'll even get an account...not to post anything, just to make playlists) and I thought I'd give music videos a chance. Mostly because I saw Mika's mv of 'Grace Kelly' (kaching!)and was hoping to find similar ones. No such's just tend to fail me. I'm a big oldies fan so I don't think I have much hope of finding many good video's of my favorite artists. Luckily my roomie suggested I check out The Beetles and they have some! :D As such I wanted to share.

Here's my favorite Beetles song. I quite enjoy their's a little boring though...but it's still amazing cause it's The Beetles!

My favorite Beetle is Ringo Star! He's amazing! Sadly I'll never have the opportunity to tell him this since he's stopped taking fan mail...well Ringo Star, if you read this just know that you're my favorite.

I also like this parody of 'Let it Be' haha. I love muppets!

Even though I love The Beetles...they still haven't sold me on mv's...they did make a movie that's ok, and there's lots of videos of them in concert...but yeah. I'd still rather listen to the radio. Curse you Britain Spears!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

You'll Always Sound Precocious!

In an effort to gumfiate [to cause to swell] my reader's love for using large words, I decided to write a blog with 10 new vocab words that I got from a site on the internet. It's like a cibosity [store of food] website, but for words. I don't want to share it just yet...mostly because I have a senticous [prickly; thorny] personality concerning things that I treasure immensely. Plus I thought it'd be more veteratorian [subtle] if I was coy about it.

It's also something I did the other day in my French class. We took 10 french words and had to make a casitive [having grammatical cases] story out of it. Mine was not a favorite of the teachers, but at least it wasn't about a jussulent [full of broth or soup] gardevisure [visor of a helmet as shown on heraldic devices]. Her favorite one was a somandric [pertaining to the human body] retelling of someone's grandma loosing their glass eye at a night club.

I would suggest reading through this post by ignoring the definitions. You get a whole different meaning! Plus it sounds like I'm using ton's of icasm's [figurative expressions]. But in reality...I have no sceptriferous [bearing a scepter; having authority] influence over how you read. :D

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Can I have that in a shape of a heart?

Ah, so with Valentine's day approaching and my innate desire to hate pink slowly being whittled away, I decided to begin the celebrations early.

Last week I went to Brick Oven for the first time in my life. I walk past it every day and yet have never had the desire to go inside...until I realized my room mate gets 20% off. As such, she let me take advantage of that this week as we took advantage of Brick Oven's pizza 'deal' for Valentine's day.

And boy howdy did we take advantage of it!!! Too bad you only have til Friday (maybe sat) to take advantage of it too...what a disadvantage that I didn't post this sooner...they are currently cooking all 12" pizza's in the shape of a heart!

If eating pizza in the shape of a heart doesn't display true love then I just don't know what does. Unfortunately if you look closely at this pizza

It's a bit deformed on one side (on the right there...just a you wouldn't even notice it unless I pointed it out to you or you REALLY cared that you're pizza be in a perfect heart...). I <3 deformed pizza. Why you might ask? Is it because I can't cook and inherently have to love deformed food? Not in the slightest! It's because the waiter brought us another one (also in the shape of a heart) to compensate us for such an abhorrent sight! What was originally a nice lunch turned out to be leftovers for the next three days.

So as to the free pizza aspect, Brick Oven is amazing. Just hope that they haven't worked out the kinks in their pans yet! All the same, I recommend their root beer, it's to die for~! It all tastes even more amazing when it's free ;) Who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth!

Happiest of Valentine's Day to all!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Le Grille!? What the heck is 'Le Grille'?!?!?!

Chain Letters are on the rise my friends. I was even recently told via e-mail that there's nothing I can do about it! I've gotten them ever since I first started giving people my e-mail. All the same, it does not stop me from wanting to comment on this cultural phenomenon. Now I can't share with you any of the recent ones I've been getting because I'm too lazy to put one of my e-mails up here, but I decided that I wanted to make one up (cause they have to start somewhere!)The idea came to me last night when I was grilling my room mate with random questions. Ensuite, I thought I could make a kinda Critique-on-all-the-notes-about-25-things-I-Have-been-tagged-in blog.

Le Grille

1. Did you have an imaginary friend when you were younger?
That's an odd question for me because I only had an imaginary friend for two weeks around age 12-ish. Not only that, but during that time I could see other peoples imaginary friends whether they could or not. And they were all animals. Mine basically looked like this. We talked about philosophical things mostly...

2. Do you like to go to "Chuck E Cheese's"?
I LIVE for Chuck E Cheese's! It's a bit harder to enjoy it now that I'm...too big...but my friend and I frequent it about once a year to take advantage of DDR that only costs a quarter per game. :D

3. Have you ever compared your life to any part of the Harry Potter Series?
XD Yes I did. When I first started to read the series (age 10ish in fact) I had convinced myself that I was adopted, was a witch, and that Hogwarts would promptly be sending me an owl with my acceptance letter. Imagine my disappointment when I turned 11 and it hadn't come yet. In fact I think that was my birthday wish worries, I've since rescinded from such a Harry Potter *shakes fist at 5th book* anyways...

4.When was the last time you played with fireworks?
I have a pack in my room that I'm saving for when I want to write on the asphalt...but the last time I played with them is when I popped a popper at my room mate. It wasn't pretty.

5. Do you enjoy looking at stuffed birds?
Yes, in fact I do. I also like to attempt to sketch them. Birds are very perty.

6. Wearing your hair slicked back, yes or no?
Well really I'm indifferent. Usually though I 'slick' my hair when I'm playing sports. I find it hard to see flying objects (volleyballs, etc.) when there's a bunch of hair in my face.

7. When did you first start wearing make-up?
Well...the first time I wore make-up was in the 5th grade. But that was for a play so I don't think it counts...

8. What is your favorite kind of juice?
Someone stumped me with this question the other day so I've been asking it to random people when we aren't talking about anything in particular. It has to be mango juice...but you can never find it straight up (unless your Snapple) for it is usually mixed in with other juices. Cran-apple is good too...those are the two juices that I don't think I've ever turned down. Wonderful replacements for water.

Now, if you don't fill this out yourself within 24 hours then your love life will be cursed for the next 7 years!!! If you do it within 12 hours then you get to feel accomplished. 6 hours, then everyone that reads it will have a good day! 3 hours, your inbox won't explode. 90 min, you'll find your true love! 2 minutes, your one wish will come true!!!!! HURRY!!! IT MATTERS!!!

So those are all the questions I can remember...not a very good chain letter is it. Eh? Well at least I don't have to worry about my inbox blowing up. ;)