Friday, December 12, 2008

Miley Cyrus Mercedes

Have you ever gone to the Yahoo homepage? I certainly hope so. There are some very life altering stories there. Well, today I came upon just such a one. It's about Miley Cyrus and what she got for her birthday! I must curiousity was piqued. What could one of the most popular, affluent girls want for her birthday? Well if you haven't clicked on the link provided yet then my hard work at putting it there has gone to waste.

Anyways, she wanted a mercedes. I think if I asked for a mercedes from my mother I would be asking for more than that. Because I know what I would get. An endless lecture about how rich people are horrible and how this relates back to why mormons are wrong. *sigh* Then I'd give up on getting a Mercedes and we'd be back to step one.

I've never believed my mother about rich people as a generality. I don't like to assume the worst in others; to give them an opportunity, so to speak, to prove those so cynical rather wrong. Each situation is different in life and I don't think stereotypes are the best way to go about making yourself attempt to sound informed.

Anyways if someone who was 'rich' and 'therefore horrible' was so malignant as to be mean to me simply because they are rich...there are other ways of getting back at them... *mal rires*

and yes...that car is a mercedes...if you were wondering...because I say so.

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