Sunday, November 23, 2008

Farm games

That is a huge picture...anyways...

So I made the horrible mistake at looking at pictures of wide-open spaces and beautiful farm land today. Back in my 'younger' days I was fortunate enough to stumble upon the video game franchise of Harvest Moon (I might have mentioned it before...maybe) and it has brought a marvelous love into my heart to all things farm-ish related. But I rarely play it now because it's a large time investment that I don't like to invest in any longer.

The reason for the farm pictures is that I just finished watching 'Anne of Green Gables'. It's the second book-turned-into-movie that I've seen before reading the book that I think I might regret since I actually want to read the books...albeit it was a good movie, but a friend of mine already informed me that it strays far from the book...and that fills me with as much regret as getting a first-edition trading card and later finding out it's actually fake.

On a happier note, I just LOVE FARMS!!!! I don't know why I have this passion. I've never lived on a farm, I haven't even visited a real one (like walk around on one and see a barn or something), and the only contact I've had with cows is driving through the stench and drudgery that is the road to Modesto. Why I like them I don't know. I base a lot of my knowledge about farmers from James Herriot's series All Creatures Great and Small and the various efforts of my family to have a small garden. But I don't think gardens are the same as farms...*sigh* when I'm older I plan on investing in one. They are just so beautiful. I believe that if everyone upheld a good sized farm the world would be a better place...over-run with tomatoes and corn...but I think people would appreciate life and the beauty of the earth more.

1 comment:

Holly K said...

Hey! I've recently started re-reading the Anne books. If you want to borrow any of them, let me know cause most of the time they just sit on my shelf. And I have another friend who is also a James Herriot fan and keeps trying to get me to read some. With your second endorsement I might just give it a try.