Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I awoke Monday morning-Memorial day as I liked to call it apparently (My sister in Peru even knew it was Labor day *sigh*)-to my loverly roommate making me breakfast. Maple Syrup included *sigh* It was glorious! Anyways, in attendance were old roomies, new ones, and her boyfriend. Can you guess what we were celebrating? Not Memorial day obviously...but her birthday! Happy Birthday again Lisa! Oh...and I'll be getting your present soon *evil laughter* But on Labor Day I finally found my definition of me! Or at least the best one yet. I was called 'most satirical person' ever met! So since I've always be vaguely aware that satire made fun of something I decided to look it up on dictionary.com! It's perfect! Exactly me! Well...maybe burlesque (definition #6) is more appropriate according to the synonymns XD So I thought I'd share my enthusiasm with my fellows as I thought it would interest them! American's are prone to like definitions as it is our quest to define everything ;)

So this post has another purpose and that's to share my Sunday doodles! I would have put these up yesterday...but I was kicked out of the computer lab for using the computer for 'non-academic' reasons... >:( riiiiiight....
Zebra+Horse: I was challenged by a friend to draw this. What? Do you think I don't have imagination enough for this? I even drew it in color for goodness sake! That's right...try me and I will amaze you with 8-legged horse zebras! :D JK, I'm not really offended, it was actually a great idea ;)
2 koalas: but it's been done before! I seem to put the most effort into chimera's that combine two animals of the same kin...who knew? That' a perty tough koala don'tcha think?
Duck+Hippo: This chimera gets a name. His name is Huck and I love him! My only disappointment is that I didn't have orange on my multi-colored pen! :( sad day. But I find the 'ugly' creatures are the ones I tend to like the most...

So I hope you enjoyed them *bows* til next week!

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