Sunday, November 23, 2008

Farm games

That is a huge picture...anyways...

So I made the horrible mistake at looking at pictures of wide-open spaces and beautiful farm land today. Back in my 'younger' days I was fortunate enough to stumble upon the video game franchise of Harvest Moon (I might have mentioned it before...maybe) and it has brought a marvelous love into my heart to all things farm-ish related. But I rarely play it now because it's a large time investment that I don't like to invest in any longer.

The reason for the farm pictures is that I just finished watching 'Anne of Green Gables'. It's the second book-turned-into-movie that I've seen before reading the book that I think I might regret since I actually want to read the books...albeit it was a good movie, but a friend of mine already informed me that it strays far from the book...and that fills me with as much regret as getting a first-edition trading card and later finding out it's actually fake.

On a happier note, I just LOVE FARMS!!!! I don't know why I have this passion. I've never lived on a farm, I haven't even visited a real one (like walk around on one and see a barn or something), and the only contact I've had with cows is driving through the stench and drudgery that is the road to Modesto. Why I like them I don't know. I base a lot of my knowledge about farmers from James Herriot's series All Creatures Great and Small and the various efforts of my family to have a small garden. But I don't think gardens are the same as farms...*sigh* when I'm older I plan on investing in one. They are just so beautiful. I believe that if everyone upheld a good sized farm the world would be a better place...over-run with tomatoes and corn...but I think people would appreciate life and the beauty of the earth more.

Monday, November 17, 2008


:D This has got to be the best news on at least DAY!!!!

Adding the word 'meh' to the dictionary!!!!!

If you manage to read that whole article I just want to say that I'm vying for huggles to be added next.

Personally I started to use meh with my family as soon as I saw that first Simpson's episode (we're big fans). It would often be used against me though when I would ask my brother his opinion and I'd get the ever present 'meh...' in return. Pssh...anyways, apparently it's success in getting put into the dictionary came from it's use through the internet. My friend and I, when chatting online, came up with one of my favorite other 'internet' sayings and that's 'cool neabs' :D random information I know, but how else will neabs get put into the dictionary if I don't propagate it!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Milton Friedman

He is one of the greatest econ figure heads of our time. He died two years ago today and I've always felt that I was stepping into a field where a whole, very important chunk had fallen off the earth. I still look forward to reading his complete far I have finished his autobiography. It's a start...yes...I'm worried to say I know much of his concepts because so far I've only learned from my professors what Friedman taught and researched. Well, we'll see if I can't fix that in the future. :)

Kudos to you anyways Mr. Friedman.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And the forcast for today... not snow :(

If you ever want me to have a bad day, tell me it's going to snow when it's not going to. I was promised snow both Monday and Tuesday...and it never came...

It snowed for the first time this season last Wednesday and believe you me! I got ready in 2/3 the time it usually takes and messed around in the snow while I was waiting for my walking buddy...

Isn't my snowman cute! I'm sure I immensely peeved whosever car that was...but I LOVE SNOW! I like to think my love cancels out their hate.

I was so excited I even got mittens! wasn't meant to be...*tear*

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Prop 8

In lieu of the controversial Proposition 8 in California, I wanted to write my thoughts down. What really got me thinking of the thing was not only the propaganda/propaganda going around, but also insights from a class I had awhile ago that talked about the passage found in Matthew 19:3-12 that alights upon the subject.

My ideal family has always been one of man and wife. I have been brought up in an LDS (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) family and have been taught that marriage is between a man and woman all my life. Many who oppose this singular opinion resent my apparent lack of effort to gain it. But you must remember that I am claiming this as my opinion whether or not you doubt it's sincerity; may that be what testament I can give to the skeptic.

I haven't really thought about homosexuality as much as I'd have liked. What I mean by that is I don't feel my opinion is as definite as it should be. I still feel undecided; as if I couldn't come up with an ultimatum for or against it even if I wanted to. There are a lot of intertwining aspects that make it a whole 'issue' that I have yet to find a complete answer to. Though the thing is, I would still vote yes on Prop 8...If it had been down-turned the ramifications would have been too unsure for my personal future to let it pass. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (as well as all others who support marriage between man and wife) could have been sued for not recognizing gay couples in matrimony.

'Good' some people would say. They equate not allowing gay marriage to the racist arguments of old (it's in one of the No on Prop 8 videos). They slander such opinions with emotional words such as bigotry, discrimination, and labeling us as labeling them for mere second-class citizens without even considering what they are accosting their opponents of. Now I understand I just took this last paragraph from the 'No on prop 8' website and that not everyone has the exact opinion as that organization, I am merely pointing out a extreme.

My resounding cry is absolutely no! No to such accusations. Disliking someones ancestry and disliking someones lifestyle are not equatable. Plus I am allowed to have my opinion as is every person on this earth, it's how I act upon that opinion that sets us apart from the bigots no matter how lightly/heavily you wish to apply the term. I prefer to be loving of my fellowman, that doesn't mean I have to love the actions they take. A person may often be defined by their actions; but I don't love Dulcinea because she made the choices of a harlot, but because of who she was.

Whose freedoms in the end are taken away from this ensuing struggle? The homosexual community who want marriage or the religious heterosexual whose beliefs, from attempts to use the government as an instrument, are being forced to bend in the name of tolerance? That is the main comparison I am making through this struggle for legislative victory. As for bigotry I know a religion that teaches one, anyone, is inferior because of skin tone or sexual inclinations is not of God. Man is created equal. But the gay community feels inferior because they cannot have marriage...I believe there is a reason why a man and a woman united in matrimony is the original idea of a family, and from there raising children. Marriage is an ideal, that ideal challenged not only by gays but single parents, the divorced, widows, celibates, and others unmentioned here.

My plea is this. Consider that you are forcing me to change my religious beliefs, my religious freedom, that a man and woman are divinely appointed to have children in a married environment (adapted to the variety of situations for people in life out of their control) in order for a same-sex couple to purposefully enter a relationship where I feel they cannot fulfill that filial responsibility of having children. I believe any man or woman can affect a child's life for good, that yes men and women are created equal, and yes there can be extreme love for one of the same sex (please recall the differences between love and lust)(some personal definitions for me-> love and lust). But there is an ideal to be had...and an institution known as marriage between man and wife that tries to uphold that ideal.

In Matthew 19 the Savior himself touches on the issue of celibacy. And I take the passage as a warning to the despairing. He lightly points out that those who are able to receive it aught to. But I want you to read that passage and interpret yourself what you will; it brings me comfort and I hope to share it with others even if they are not Christian...take the words as a philosophers view on life if you dislike Christianity even.

Also please read this article by the unclogs the mind as to rumors spread about it I think.

Anyways...Like I said before I am still unsure in my footing here because of all the strings that make the mesh of the Prop 8 issue and therefore I don't have a good conclusion to this post. But I believe in agency and tolerance, and I expect the same in the end let us not stray from having love for our fellowman though...ever.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Smart Cars

So I was being a smart-alick the other day and teasing my sister about how she gets around down in Peru. Fortunately for me she appeased my humor by giving me a picture of how she does,

and I love it! :D A bike with cushioned seats and a designed tent around it! :D It almost beats my irrational desire to own a smart car!

Ah...the glorious smart car :D (it's the red one...if you don't know what a smart car is...shame on you...)

Anyways, along with my random mentioning of vehicles I like, I've finally decided against ever owning a moped. I started wanting one when, in my French class, we learned that they were quite the fashionable mode of transportation in France (only because you can't get your drivers license for a car til you're older or something like that). But then I rode one the other day down a rather steep hill, I thought to myself "I could die right now...or get serious scars." That being thought, my desire to own one went down just as fast as we 'sped' down that hill.

Yay for small vehicles anyways :D Though I do like to cheat on them every once in awhile (minus the jeep)...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Great-Grandma Pierce

My Father called me this evening and informed me about the death of my Great-Grandmother. She died on Sunday evening and I only hope she went well. My Father isn't the most descriptive, but I don't mind. I feel almost guilty writing this post what with past occurances this year, but I think my family members are worth, at least, one post no matter what people think I am trying to vie for.

She was such a marvelous woman, to the best of my remembrance. The last time I was able to visit her was around 10 years ago. She was the one that inspired me to start my art-related pursuits. She is a glorious painter. heh, I remember the one and only time she let me play with her paint set. Let's just say after that day I was determined to never waste art materials ever again. It's also why I don't paint.
Let's see how else she impacted me...I like malt-o-meal/oatmeal with sprinkles because of her (I remember she let me have coco puffs once too...), I also adore keyboards because she would let me mess with hers even though I didn't know how to play then, and I love her last name...always have. I love my Great-Grandma, even though I've spent so little time with her.

I'm going to have to ask my Dad for one of her paintings for my apt...