Friday, April 29, 2011

Dusting off the Keyboard

Hey! I'm alive!

Some random updates of happiness:

-I'm graduated! Whoot whoot! And while this is a very exciting moment in my life I can't help but feel all dressed up with no where to go. Gotta find a job!

-I got a Kindle for graduation! :D While it's weird to read off of it, I am getting used to it and loving it! I'm 8% away from finishing my first book on there, Mark Twain's Autobiography (which I have been dying to read since Christmas)

-I got one of my favorite callings for church! :D I can't say yet cause I haven't been called called, but I'm oober excited! :D

-I'm going to California in a week! :D I have to save my books and things from being thrown out but I also get to go to Six Flags (haven't been in 6-8 years) and the beach :D It's going to be a good weekend to say the least!

-I've paid for my study abroad and got a spiffy backpack! :D It's Dakine and I love it! 2 months~! two months I will, for the first time ever, travel somewhere off the North American continent...I'm tempted to do my own version of 'Innocents Abroad' (By Mark Twain) (after I read it of course! :D)