Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Au Courant Accessoires

Don't look at a google search of 'wisdom teeth' right before your operation. In fact...I wouldn't suggest ever doing it unless you are a dentist (which can be the only case of interest for looking at a video on Youtube about getting your teeth out besides wanting to make yourself vomit or seriously unnerved)

There were some words of comfort to be found in my google search, to be sure, but I still would suggest staying far away from the place.

But now I know the real reason why my favorite song this Christmas can be found here->

My dear brother kindly informs me I also sound like a British child, so I suppose it fits all the better...? But the good thing is that I don't look like them!(the chipmunks...not British kids) That's right friends. No swelling for me. I shall consider it a challenge to speak coherently in the near future (you know those british kids) as well as chewing everything I eat, but I won't look like I am hoarding pounds of walnuts in my face...and that's what matters.