Thursday, July 29, 2010

Teh-has part 4

So when I check internet down here in Texas, it's usually for about 10 minutes a day. I'm normally used to being on the computer for at least an hour a day. I've decided this is a good change for me.

I get to play the organ this Sunday in church. It's hard to find time to practice because ever since I've come back to California I've been compensating for my 'vacation' by working my off days. It requires me to be creative with my practice times. I must say I've never labeled myself as someone who would practice the organ until 11:00 at's probably the latest I've ever practiced any instrument. It makes me feel like Quasimodo. One day I'll actually play the carolin (thing that controls the bells in most churches) at Notre Dame and my transformation to the hunchback will become a reality I suppose. Until then, I'll play for Sacrament services as a sub for the organist.

I don't have much else to say than I'm on break right now and really want to get back to reading my book. I've reverted back to my 8th grade days. Any chance I get, I read a book. No movie, video game, or craft project can tempt me. I just read. Even when I'm eating! But not when I'm hanging out with people, that's rude. It's times like these I remember that my math teacher would throw white board markers at me because I'd ignore her in class and read instead. I don't read while I'm selling things at work though...there's a huge sticker ball that we've made that, if thrown, I'm pretty sure is lethal...and I wouldn't want that thrown at me as I read.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Just Saying...part two...

My escapades have been vast and jam-packed these past 5 days. I had this time all planned out and the majority of them are meeting their fruition. So like I do in my actual journal, I will now list them for the heck of it. Went to see Despicable Me (meh), went to the beach with my sister and did volleyball drills in the sand/swam in the ocean, ate at The Kettle (favorite restaurant by the beach), found out my stomach is still sensitive to grilled onions but I'm ok, went to my Aunt'n Uncles house, made a video (soon to be on YouTube), FINISHED LES MISERABLĂ©S!!!!!, ate at Hank's Pizza (favorite Ma and Pa place), went to the pageant of the masters, and today I'm going to Arrowbear (old music camp I used to go to by Big Bear)

All in all I say it's been jam packed. A lot of the time when I come home I usually sit around and play video games a lot...but I've only done it once when I got thoroughly humbled in Super Smash Brothers.

Pageant of the Masters was AMAZING! They don't allow pictures though, or I'd have enough to satisfy anyone's want for pictures of people pretending to be pictures/paintings/sculptures. But going has changed my life! If I ever end up living in CA again, I plan on volunteering for the pageant.

Les Mis was AMAZING! Never have I read a book as such. It was infuriating, thought-provoking, boring, and gripping all in its entirety! It took me a month and a half to read it; a serious mark on my pride. Not to say I haven't taken a long time to read books (still working on Don Quixote two years later), but when I sit down and actually try to finish them, I usually get done within two weeks! But each time I sat down with it, it would invoke such thought within me. That or it put me to sleep with his random tangents. But the greatest thing was that ALL of his random tangents come into play in the story! Man. It is now my second most favorite book, unabridged and all.

So, those are my logged adventures thus far. Off to have some more fun in the great state of CA for me!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just Saying...

I'm home in CA for a week, so of course, I'm comparing the two. Now I won't reach any conclusions of course. But here are some of my thoughts.

The air makes me want to cry (with joy).

I can smell the beach constantly.

I got to eat King's Hawaiin.

Food Places here don't stay open if they aren't good.

I paid $11 for a movie ticket D:

I can wear jackets again!

Well...that's all I've got from less than one day of comparing California and Texas. More to come to be sure!

Friday, July 9, 2010


So I don't have anything particularly funny today, haven't written for awhile, so I thought I'd just write random thoughts that came to me in order to satisfy my thirst for blogging.

Went to see Toy Story 3 last night for the second time. AMAZING!!! I REALLY wanted sour patch kids but decided against it. Oprah says you're not to eat after 7 o'clock!

My mother, when I was younger, was always waiting for checks in the mail. I've never known how nerve wracking that is until now. It's an odd sense of emphathy that I thought I'd never have to feel. Go figure.

I got a letter in the mail! :D It made my day and I carried it around with me to work and everywhere! It was from my Uncle if you're wondering.

Got a pet rabbit. Well, I didn't, my room mates did. He is very cute. Also very hard to name. But I think I'm going to stick with Gandalf. It appeases the inner geek in me.

Everyday until next Tuesday I keep thinking, "What will I be doing a week from now in California?" I'm going back for a week to do a little vacation because I haven't seen them since Christmas. For Friday, it's the day my Dad returns from his escapades in the Philippines! :D I bet he will be oober tan!

I'm tanning! Well, as much as I CAN tan. And just my arms are tanning too, no matter how many times I wear shorts, my calves are still palsy at best! Oh well. Like I always tell myself, I'm beautiful in China.

Something that is driving me insane right now: Les Misérables. I'm attempting to read the unabridged version and it's taken me longer than a month and I'm not even done yet. It hurts my pride! I eat books like this in two week periods! At least when I was in middle school I did. Alas, when you read about 30 pages an hour, I know for a fact it will take me at least 12 more hours to finish that book. Maybe I'll just pull an all nighter...but I've yet to meet a book that could keep me that engrossed without wanting to go to sleep. 5th Harry Potter almost did (4 in the morning).