Friday, December 26, 2008

Au Courant Accessoires-2

I was shopping this Christmas when the thought occurred to me...will it ever be 'in' for women to shave their head? Cause some of the mannequins didn't have wigs on...and it just seemed like a funny world if it were to ever happen. If it did happen then a wig would become an all to common accessory wouldn't it (or not?)...I'm sure the hat company's would love it too. Luckily for me it's against my religion to shave my head (I would classify it as an extreme hairstyle) I'm safe from becoming even close to a skin head...

This also got me wondering...what will happen when contacts take the whole 'glasses' market. Is it, too, something that will fall to fashion!? At my high school the ROTC kept a back lot of things that had fallen by the wayside; typewriters, skis (for Californians I suppose), and lots of furniture. If I were to visit that lot 5 years from now would I find a stockpile of glasses there? I certainly hope not. I don't like contacts. (check out the picture for what my new glasses sorta look like! :D)

Then I was asked my opinion as to whether or not I thought the iPOD would be obsolete in a year. Isn't that a horrible thought? Especially since I just invested in's a good thing that all these things are considered accessories. Life goes on. I imagine the things I collect in life will only loose value if I let them. I'm reminded of a laundry line that my Grandpa had. Although he still used it for hanging laundry my brother and I would still have fun spinning it around and such until one day it broke at the base. Grandpa employed that laundry hanger with avarice (just on it's side), and we simply ignored it because it no longer spun for us.

With Christmas over it would be good to remember that no matter what you recieved it's important to decide what you want to put your time into to keep the most.

Well...if you were wondering.


Michael said...

Nice glasses. What's with the indoor smoking thing and the vinyl records thing? Merry 30th of December.

Strawboat said...

well since I was noting that things were disappearing (glasses maybe and the how technology keeps advancing) I found a list of things that have rather disappeared since they came to be.:)