Friday, August 1, 2008


So I've been musing, as I am prone to do, about various things as of late. Mostly about elevators. And it doesn't help that I just found out how to say "to go up" in French class (monter if your wondering). My first thought on the subject is how rich is the person that created our modern day elevator? Well, you have to take into account that there are probably multiple companies that build elevators, and then you have to consider how often an elevator is even needed for a new building under construction...AND that's about as far as I got. But then I decided that I wouldn't know unless I did something besides conjecture. So I decided to do a little research to go along with my thoughts right now...but I was more surprised that people had taken the time to put a site on the internet...about elevators. Anyways I'm not going to read it, but this site seems relatively accurate. Have fun. My next thought happened yesterday when I was walking onto an elevator to go up one floor-that's right I am that lazy sometimes-and my foot sunk about a fourth of a foot. This is one of those times that you want to ask yourself "Do I really trust this elevator". Well I did and I am still alive today to write this random and ridiculous post about elevators. My most interesting thought was about falling down the elevator shaft in an elevator. Morbid, n'est-ce pas? I just thought about how it was most likely that I'd hit my head on the handle bar as I came to screeching halt as the elevator hit the bottom. Imagine if I ran this thought by MAAD or something? They'd probably petition for safety belts in all elevators or something. I mean maybe Disneyland has the right idea with seats and safety belts inside of elevators so that you can enjoy your elevator ride all the more. Albeit it would be annoying for me to be lazy and try to go up one floor, have to buckle in, go up to the thirteenth floor of the building, be dropped at exhilarating speeds, and finally get to the third floor of the building...annoying but fun! It would make lazy people take the stairs for once in their lives that's for sure.

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