Let me guess...you recognize this guy but can't put a name to him? Well, let me enlighten you, if so. This is Johnny Cash. The man in black, not country yet is, the GREAT BAMBINO!!! That's right Smalls, learn you're major American figures for Pete's sake!
Anyways, I had the wonderful privilege of drawing him this past General Conference session. I've picked up the habit of doing a large drawing project during those weekends because...though I'm sad to admit it...I fall asleep too easily. BUT! The person I draw has to be someone I like otherwise I always feel it's going to turn out bad in the end. As such...I'm surprised about how he turned out. My friend let me commandeer his cd collection awhile back and while I was flipping through them I stopped at the cds he has of Cash. I asked myself "Dare I go over to the other side? DARE I corrupt my music collection with country music?!" Well...I gave Cash a chance and so far he hasn't dissapointed me...too much. I don't know...there's a few of his songs that I REALLY like...but I don't like country unless I'm at a country dance and can act like a complete idiot doing square dances and such. Though after doing some research on his background (basically looking him up on pandora) I must admit I admire the man...and the picture of him turned out smashing! I had to wait two weeks for it to be done being framed and it was quite torturous because I didn't know if they'd smear it or not (it's charcoal)...but they didn't! :D
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