Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Free Time

So with the many opportunities I had to be with my little brother this Christmas break we do what we like to do together the best. That is, video games. Glorious video games. I always have a dilemma as to whether or not they are a waste of time that I've yet to find a conclusion on and I don't think I ever will, but I always feel it's a good thing to do with my little bro. This time we focused a lot on Zelda and Tales of Symphonia and I am going to take this opportunity to geek out about zelda.

There's a reason why Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda Game. One I beat it 100% with the help of a guide book.... Two,


How could you not love a game with such a cute main character. He gets to wear a bunny mask :D You wear it and it makes you run faster. Not only does that help your patience with getting around in the game...but it's...it's...bunny ears. :D

It reminds me of those Christmas hats that people wear during the holidays. I've never really felt brave enough to do it in public...one of my friends convinced me to do it once, but I felt very self-conscious. X(
But if, when I wore one of those funny Christmas hats, it gave me the ability to run faster...I think I'd wear it then.

Lastly that I'm going to list is that the storyline (and artwork) is fantastic. It flows, it makes sense, there's motive, intrigue, awesome masks, and such a large intertwining story that it just completes itself into an exquisite source of entertainment.



Friday, December 26, 2008

Au Courant Accessoires-2

I was shopping this Christmas when the thought occurred to me...will it ever be 'in' for women to shave their head? Cause some of the mannequins didn't have wigs on...and it just seemed like a funny world if it were to ever happen. If it did happen then a wig would become an all to common accessory wouldn't it (or not?)...I'm sure the hat company's would love it too. Luckily for me it's against my religion to shave my head (I would classify it as an extreme hairstyle)...so I'm safe from becoming even close to a skin head...

This also got me wondering...what will happen when contacts take the whole 'glasses' market. Is it, too, something that will fall to fashion!? At my high school the ROTC kept a back lot of things that had fallen by the wayside; typewriters, skis (for Californians I suppose), and lots of furniture. If I were to visit that lot 5 years from now would I find a stockpile of glasses there? I certainly hope not. I don't like contacts. (check out the picture for what my new glasses sorta look like! :D)

Then I was asked my opinion as to whether or not I thought the iPOD would be obsolete in a year. Isn't that a horrible thought? Especially since I just invested in one...Alas...it's a good thing that all these things are considered accessories. Life goes on. I imagine the things I collect in life will only loose value if I let them. I'm reminded of a laundry line that my Grandpa had. Although he still used it for hanging laundry my brother and I would still have fun spinning it around and such until one day it broke at the base. Still...my Grandpa employed that laundry hanger with avarice (just on it's side), and we simply ignored it because it no longer spun for us.

With Christmas over it would be good to remember that no matter what you recieved it's important to decide what you want to put your time into to keep the most.

Well...if you were wondering.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Au Courant Accessoires

Don't look at a google search of 'wisdom teeth' right before your operation. In fact...I wouldn't suggest ever doing it unless you are a dentist (which can be the only case of interest for looking at a video on Youtube about getting your teeth out besides wanting to make yourself vomit or seriously unnerved)

There were some words of comfort to be found in my google search, to be sure, but I still would suggest staying far away from the place.

But now I know the real reason why my favorite song this Christmas can be found here->

My dear brother kindly informs me I also sound like a British child, so I suppose it fits all the better...? But the good thing is that I don't look like them!(the chipmunks...not British kids) That's right friends. No swelling for me. I shall consider it a challenge to speak coherently in the near future (you know those british kids) as well as chewing everything I eat, but I won't look like I am hoarding pounds of walnuts in my face...and that's what matters.

Friday, December 19, 2008

It's the end of the...Internet?

So if you are ever in the need of a waste of time I suggest you upload this app. Already it has led me to untold wonders, websites that I already knew about, and peoples amusing take on life. Yesterday I did it once whilst winding down for the evening and I came across the
There it offers some very solid advice.

Having not sat down seriously with a book in awhile, I wanted to dedicate myself to at least finishing one of the following over my Christmas break. For Pete's sake...

The three books I've been attempting to get through this fall (Rights of Man, Wealth of Nations, and Don Quixote de la Mancha) all make the list of course. But the book I'm truly excited about is 'The Russian Novel'. It seems to be a critique on Russian literature of some time period or rather. But I just want to read it for the history. I'm going to make a generality here and say that most people aren't interested in Russian history...but after I borrowed a book from my high school library about the pre-1600's Russia...I was hooked.

The other book I'll read (if I get my hands on it) is by James Herriot. Ah, British Humor in it's finest. I think this is the next book in the 'All Creatures Great and Small' series.

So there's the quixotic goal of my reading list for the break. It can either be a very classic break or amusing depending on the book I end up finishing...or not even reading. XD

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"But that's okaaaay!"

Yay for making fiends! :D So I stumbled upon the gloriousness that is Amy Winfrey when a friend of mine showed me this website. I won't make any recommendations or tell you my favorite cartoon there...because usually people get weirded out. Anyways...

This picture (above) is from her making fiends series...she hasn't updated it in awhile because Nickelodeon is usurping her time and...and...giving her a job. Pssh...no, I'm not truly upset. She'll update it when she can.

But every so often I check it to see if she has made any new episodes. Last week I was dissapointed once again, but she did provide links to a Christmas one and another that I think everyone will be happy to hear that I liked. It's about a not-so-average winter day. But it downplays snow a bit and I, for once, began to feel why people might feel disinclined to like snow. If this happened to me I might not like snow as much...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Miley Cyrus Mercedes

Have you ever gone to the Yahoo homepage? I certainly hope so. There are some very life altering stories there. Well, today I came upon just such a one. It's about Miley Cyrus and what she got for her birthday! I must admit...truthfully...my curiousity was piqued. What could one of the most popular, affluent girls want for her birthday? Well if you haven't clicked on the link provided yet then my hard work at putting it there has gone to waste.

Anyways, she wanted a mercedes. I think if I asked for a mercedes from my mother I would be asking for more than that. Because I know what I would get. An endless lecture about how rich people are horrible and how this relates back to why mormons are wrong. *sigh* Then I'd give up on getting a Mercedes and we'd be back to step one.

I've never believed my mother about rich people as a generality. I don't like to assume the worst in others; to give them an opportunity, so to speak, to prove those so cynical rather wrong. Each situation is different in life and I don't think stereotypes are the best way to go about making yourself attempt to sound informed.

Anyways if someone who was 'rich' and 'therefore horrible' was so malignant as to be mean to me simply because they are rich...there are other ways of getting back at them... *mal rires*

and yes...that car is a mercedes...if you were wondering...because I say so.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sock Monkey

There are many things in my life that I have learned about, but never questioned where or when I learned about them. I can only imagine when I first learned about the wonderfulness that is sock monkeys. But ever since I got more art's and craft's-ie, I could no longer settle with simply admiring them. No, not I. I started to make them. The first one I made was for a Christmas gift exchange...sadly the one person whom I did not want to get it...did...the one person in the WHOLE pot lock that I didn't want to get it...got it...*sigh* who knows where that little sock monkey is now...but then again what do I know. I think I'm too quick to judge.

Anyways, for a ward service project we had the wonderful opportunity to make sock monkeys to give away to a local toy drive.I had the wonderful priviledge of looking up directions on how to make them when I stumbled upon this website. So I think that if I am ever compelled to send Christmas cards...it will first come from this website :)

When I first saw this website I asked myself 'Who takes the time to make Christmas cards with sock monkeys!?!?!" and then I connected it to how much I like my own arts and crafts and have to say...I like the cards better now (or at least I won't laugh at them...but with them ;)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


:D So the title of this post is in honor of the movie 'Get Smart'. Glorious movie, and one of the 5 I saw over Thanksgiving break. Yes, it would seem my friends and family consider me a large movie go-er because with the short amount of time I had at home I was privileged to see oh so many. It's almost one a day! Yesh...anyways I thought I'd take this opportunity to expound on cursing.

From the ever so elusive c-word (elusive because most people don't consider it a curse word besides me) to the F bomb, there are many a words we use to curse various objects. This has been an odd battle for me, I don't want to impose my own feelings on my friends and family, and that's why I've often kept my reasons for not cursing to myself. Anyways, there's three main reasons

  1. If I started I would never stop. I used to curse like a Sailor when I was younger and I find that if I stray a little by letting certain words or phrases slip that I find it harder to stop than before.
  2. It's profane and improper. It just doesn't sound like you are able to control yourself let alone your anger. It causes hesitation that instead of thinking of a solution to a situation that you're cursing you're busy blasting it with various phrases. I really feel it shows a lack of self control. Plus if I'm angry I tend to lash out at others irrationally.
  3. You aught to be able to describe yourself with articulate and well-thought out vernacular. I think that with the assistance of self-control one can come to a better expression of oneself than just angry thoughtless cursing.
OK... so 2 and 3 are kinda the same...but yeah. Mind you these are like the extremes of my opinions. When someone curses in front of my I'm not secretly thinking to myself "Idiot", far from it. I concentrate more on not letting it get into my own thoughts. I think that everyone aught to have their agency. I don't like it when someone curses around me but that's life. I do occasionally ask people to tone it town a bit...but that doesn't happen too often. And in the end I hope no one is offended by my opinion. It's more of an idiosyncrasy of mine than something you should take to heart. :)