Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Winner Week-end

"Because nothing says "you're a loser" more than owning a motivational poster about being a winner."

Well friends, the above picture is my new motivational poster.I have named this marvel of ship-masonry 'The Taco Supreme' (if the picture is too weird to understand how in the world it could be a boat...just imagine a taco with a flag taped to the front of it and you have my boat) I entered it in a styrofoam ship racing contest at a Pirate party yesterday.

It was an intense race from start to finish, fraught with peril and rain gutters. I had to handcraft my vessel to propel forward by only speed of breath. As you can see from the pic, most people opted for normal looking boats with sails. But none stood up to the Taco Supreme!

It's the first tournament I've won in awhile actually. And yes, I am very proud of my styrofoam boat prize. I think I'll have it bronzed in the morning.

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