Saturday, February 21, 2009

Some Music Videos

My distaste for music videos began in the oh-so-distant past. I was at my cousin's house for a summer break in Modesto, California. Despite it being far from the entertainment capital of the world, I greatly enjoy being in the desert. We would spend our days idly by with the family; activities ranging from video games to chasing chickens in the chicken coup with the 3 dogs in the backyard. One of the other major activities was cable. I had it when I was young but when we moved we couldn't watch it anymore (We were given a choice when we moved; a pool, cable, or a swing set. We chose the pool of course).

As such, cable became a bit of a golden calf for me. Unfortunately, MTV was the only channel that my cousin would watch. He was older than me...and such I never had much success stealing the remote. It was the summer that Brittany Spears became very popular. No matter how many times one of her videos came on, my cousin would watch it. It was getting to the 6th time that I'd seen 'Sometimes' (memorized the different scenes, gaged at the cheesy dance moves, died a little inside) that I decided music videos just weren't my thing. Just thinking about it...guh...I try not to actually.

But I've started to really get into youtube (maybe I'll even get an account...not to post anything, just to make playlists) and I thought I'd give music videos a chance. Mostly because I saw Mika's mv of 'Grace Kelly' (kaching!)and was hoping to find similar ones. No such's just tend to fail me. I'm a big oldies fan so I don't think I have much hope of finding many good video's of my favorite artists. Luckily my roomie suggested I check out The Beetles and they have some! :D As such I wanted to share.

Here's my favorite Beetles song. I quite enjoy their's a little boring though...but it's still amazing cause it's The Beetles!

My favorite Beetle is Ringo Star! He's amazing! Sadly I'll never have the opportunity to tell him this since he's stopped taking fan mail...well Ringo Star, if you read this just know that you're my favorite.

I also like this parody of 'Let it Be' haha. I love muppets!

Even though I love The Beetles...they still haven't sold me on mv's...they did make a movie that's ok, and there's lots of videos of them in concert...but yeah. I'd still rather listen to the radio. Curse you Britain Spears!


Holly K said...

I'm trying to think of videos I like because of the video instead of just the song. The two I came up with are:

Strawboat said...

those were pretty much amazing. Hope is back in the game now thanks to you. Frame by frames have always had a special place in my heart though :D