Thursday, January 29, 2009

Je pensais que si

When I'm looking for pictures on a search engine I usually come upon some pictures that aren't related to my search words (or so I personally think). This time I came upon this picture of some slinky's when I was seeing what google thought 'forgiveness' looked like.

Forgiveness is a hard spoonful of medicine to swallow. Most of the time I think it involves following rule number 6: Don't take yourself too seriously. Honestly, people have been trying to utilize it for years considering all of the analogies concerning forgiving. But to perfect it I think is a bit foolhardy. Each experience with others that involves forgiving someone or something is so unique. To think you need to perfect it to utilize it usually brings about more complications for your own mental health.

What I've learned recently is that it takes the humility provoked by my aforementioned rule number 6. I've often seen people fall prey to becoming offended because they think they've discerned an insult from another. I've occasionally seen a real reason to retract trust from another because of a wrongdoing. And I've rarely seen a person with the intent to offend (that's probably because I choose to ignore them in the intent to annoy them back).

Like I said before, each situation is unique. My best suggestion would be don't assume or jump to conclusions. Your imagination can be your own worst enemy sometimes. However, I cannot get up on my soap box with a clear conscience knowing that my opinion can't ever be flexible enough to cover every wrong.

But I am going to try and be more forgiving. I'm going to forgive my room mates for making fun of my flamingo cups.

I'm going to forgive myself for buying a cd that I should have checked before I bought it. I'm going to forgive a villain and a hero in the next book I read. I'll consider a large sum of money some smart alek owes me utterly forgotten. And that's about all I feel like listing...please forgive me of my curt list. The hope is that I set a good example and forgive beyond just this haha! ;)


Alec Erickson said...

So random comment on the slinkies - Did you know that people are like slinkies? They really have no use but they're fun to watch when you push them down the stairs! (I don't really believe that FYI.)

Michael said...

That's very noble of you. Way to be so forgiving.