Monday, January 5, 2009

How to Get a Garage in Heaven

Occasionally there comes a time in my life where I have to defend the odd idiosyncrasies I pick up. So today when I argued with my new friend and roommate Alec (who was actually agreeing with me) that we couldn't 'commandeer' a shopping cart cause it was just WRONG, I used my trump card for why I do the things I do: "Well...I'll have a garage in my house in Heaven and you won't"

I believe in life after death, so inherently I have to have a place to live. I don't know if there will be cars in Heaven-I haven't decided yet-but I know that having a garage is better than not. Sometimes I will deter and say that I'll have a west wing or a game room or something like that...but a garage is definitely a winner.


Michael said...

I think I'm gonna end up with a duplex and a shared parking space at least three blocks away.

Strawboat said...

ha ha ha. If I end up with an apartment and 6 roommates I might begin to wonder what I did wrong.