Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lactose the Intolerant

Today I got in a lot of arguments. A strange and mule-like attitude over came me and I would ridiculously accost anyone about any topic presented to me. It culminated when I went to make some instant pudding. I haven't actually made jell-o for awhile used to be a monthly occurrence that fell of the face of the earth when I started to buy my own groceries. Anyways, I kept saying that I was going to make some jell-o but when I brought it out my roommate insisted that I call it pudding. After a poignant stare down I pointed at the box with the large JELL-O on the front. Let's just say I think I won that controversy.

But the directions got me thinking. They were kind enough to make this note for the unfortunate souls who don't drink 2% milk.

*Fat free, 1% low fat or lactose-reduced milk can be used but may result in a softer set.

What did I start to think about you may ask? Those who are lactose-intolerant.

I have fortunately never had any serious allergies...though the link above says lactose intolerance isn't 'serious'...allergies scare me. I do take them seriously and rather think anyone who is able to live a life with any sort of hindrance has my admiration. I must admit...they eat healthier than I do. I love my 2% milk. It's almost a guilty pleasure because I know 1% or things like soy milk are better for you and I therefor feel morally obliged to change to them...but I haven't crossed that bridge yet and am still holding a lighted torch.
So what do I do with things I'm scared of? Make bad guys out of them. See, I draw random comics and one series I do involves these two dastardly villains. Thanks to my friend Mckel we named them each respectively: Lactose the Intolerant and his faithful henchman Soy Boy. I have to say it has to be the best naming-of-a-super-villain to date. :D

1 comment:

Michael said...

i sure do like soy boy. he's nice and packs a protein punch!