Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I've done me some nice amount of reading over the past two weeks. And by nice, I mean 1 book. I finished "Gone With The Wind" and couldn't help feeling closer to my little brother who is in the South right now.

Also I hate Scarlet. Just had to get that out there.

But I wanted to note that I'm taking this class where we study Russian novels that have been translated into English. I am also reading the NYT EVERY DAY. This is an amazing feat for me because I really detest journalism. There are some good writers out there and, thankfully, the NYT is very good but the majority of the time I just don't like how journalism is written. However, as the new years bodes people making resolutions, I have decided to get over myself for New Years and start doing (a few) things that I hate. Reading the Newspaper, reading non-fiction, and (taking some proverbs verses to heart) curbing my tongue are a few of them.

Therefore, I fully expect to be a fully informed, lower-decibel, communist citizen when April comes around.


Michael said...

Communist? Are you reading post-communism stuff, too? I just imagined you'd be reading Crime and Punishment and the like. I made it half-way through that one. Don't tell my philosophy professor. He already hated me for being late every day...

Also, at least the NYT isn't the LAT. Hate the LAT even more. Try the Wall Street Journal. When they talk about multiple men they say messieurs. Also, they give out free copies of the NYT every day in the HRCB (by the exits). Get there early, though--they run out fast.

Also, how about a resolution about that laugh of yours... That's enough of that, now!

Strawboat said...

Really, I'm just being horribly stereotypical and associating any Russian lit to communism in my ignorance. We are reading 'Eugene Onegin', 'A Hero of Our Time', "Dead Souls", "Fathers and Children", "Crime and Punishment" (which is allegedly really popular and I never knew...), "Anna Karenina", Sofia Petrovna", aaaand "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"

Haha, I used to read the LAT every day in high school. I don't like the wall street journal :( But once I get into the hang of the NYT I'll see if I feel inclined to MORE news. But HRCB, got it!

XD I actually am working on my laugh! Few people can get me to revert back to it anymore :) Through sheer will power I will control it!