Saturday, January 15, 2011

My pet bird was put down today because of complications with her having eggs. So since this is a blog mainly dedicated to happiness, I find myself reminiscing on what made her such an excellent companion.

She had her quirks. She liked my brother even though he did nothing but go out of the way to scare her, liked to eat paper, and had the fond nickname "popcorn-hawk"

We never cut her wings because none of us could stand to see her not fly anymore. We love our freedom in my household and to take that away from even a little bird, after she has gained it, is too much.

Lastly, she was a great companion and an inspiration for many a doodles and symbolism.

All dogs go to heaven. Well, I am going to extrapolate here and say that Cockatiels do too. RIP my dear sweet bird.

1 comment:

Michael said...

I wonder what it feels like to not be able to lay an egg but really, really need to.

Sorry about the bird.