Monday, January 24, 2011

Menace to Society

You know, no woman's blog is complete without an angsty post about marriage.

However, today I bring you a critique of an article I happen to glance upon in the school newspaper, link here. (This was on the front page)

This article does particularly apply to me, so I decided to read it while I shirked its sister article here. It also ironically applies because I went in to see a councilor today about graduation. I am sadly now under the illusion that I cannot graduate because I have not gotten married yet (see the checklist from the second article...though I guess I also don't have a job.)(!)

Anyways, these are my favorite quotes and favorite thoughts thereof...

“I feel like there is a pressure for everyone to just get married as fast as they can. It’s sad, but some girls start to lose hope if they’re 21 and not married before graduation,” Townsend said.

Yes. I think I've lost hope. It must be "hanging out" with 'reason' and 'eternal perspective' over in pagan lands where only lesser-than-BYU-attendees are. Ashlet Van Wagoner (Author of first article), I expect an opinion section letter from you on Tues/Thursday claiming this article was required writing for some stupid publishing class.

"In an unscientific survey of a small number of students, the average age a BYU student was socially expected to be married was 22 for females and 25 years old for males."

Yes. The best source for statistical facts are from unscientific surveys of a small number of students. Excellent journalism there. Oh, and by the way, 25 just happens to be the age of the 'menace to society' adage. I'm really shocked you came up with that number! But 22! I might as well dye my hair grey, walk with a stoop, and adopt 5 kittens now!

I guess I shouldn't be too irked by this front page article in the school newspaper. However, thank you Daily Universe, for making sure I will never take your journalism seriously again (except for the girl who does the opinion viewpoint articles. You rock! Unfortunately there's no link to you on the website.)

1 comment:

kaylambees said...

Well the marriage therapist was completely right though, but I totally get where you're coming from, I'm hitting that "menace age" this year, only in Utah is it so horrific that I'm still single.. whatever lame-o's at least I won't be 30 and divorced!