Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcome to Fabulous~!

I was set. I had my 'hired bodyguard', the tickets pre-paid for, and a belly full of burger ready to face the night. We arrived an hour early, and lucky we did. We were able to get within 10 feet of the front row. I bought a t-shirt while my guard held our spots at bay from the growing crowd.


But my patience was rewarded. After an amusing scottish singer wooed the crowd with his repretoire of obscure songs famous mainly in England, the stage went quite in anticipation. I refused to remove my eyes from the stage. I caught trepid glances of the singer and band because we were angled from the stage so that we could see past the curtains. I could recognize the back-up singers because of the copious youtube videos I'd watched in preperation.


AND THEN BRANDON FLOWERS CAME ON STAGE AND SANG HIS OPENING SONG "On the Floor"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh man. It was amazing. He was amazing! The lights were amazing! Everything was amazing! Neither of us had a camera so I caught what I could on my phone, never to be taken off because of my lack of internet access. I was infatuated with it all! Of course, I was among an older crowd and they weren't as giddy as I was :( So I had to lower my excitment and decible level. All the same it was amazing. He also sang two killers songs, including a mix on "Loosing Touch" that makes it hard for me to listent to the original because I liked it so much! (Side Note: I couldn't listen to his new album for a week after that because I'd seen them all was amazing!). And then, the créme de la créme of the night came on. The encore of the WHOLE show, RONNIE VANUCCI CAME ON STAGE AND SANG A KILLERS SONG!!!! I nearly died from happiness!

Needless to say, going to the Brandon Flowers concert was picture perfect. I will cherish that memory all my life. The only remorse I feel from that night is that I couldn't buy more tickets. It was awfully lonely because I'm a big proponent of having huge parties for my birthday party. That taint is most saddening.

As such I'm going to throw myself a half-birthday in the future. I refuse to leave college without a big hullabaloo all about me. For my friends of course...It's vital to my existance!

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