Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm not!

So I've been watching a lot of what I say on facebook more than usual lately. Not only because I lack this (kinda...but in a different way), but also because I feel that everything and anything I am going to say is going to be taken wrongly by someone.

For example,

In my Russian class I read this AMAZING book Eugine Onegin and I want to quote a ton of things from it like,

"Of course the love of tender beauties/Is surer far than friends or kin:/Your claim upon its joyous duties/Survives when even tempests spin./Of course it's so. And yet be wary,/For fashions change, and views will vary..."

Isn't that beautiful poetry that is absolutely true (and I dislike poetry in general mind you)? But I feel like if I post it on facebook that someone will take offense. I've never been afraid to post my opinion before now, so what's up with me? Am I trying to appease too many people? Too many people that aren't myself?

And no, I'm not trying to pointedly or indirectly write this to someone. When I have a biff with someone, I'll talk to them about it or forget about it cause its not worth getting mad at the person over. I don't know. Don't I?

Man, I'm re-reading this post and even I think I'm writing it to someone when I'm not. I'm not! Maybe I know something about myself that myself doesn't know or doesn't want to know. What a pardox I am!

Anyways, here's some more poetry that I liked from the book. Enjoy.

Eugene Onegin chp4 pg 92 stanza 20, "Hm, hm, dear reader, feeling mellow?/And are your kinfold well today?/To hear what I'm prepared to say/On 'kinfolk' and their implications?' Well, here's my view of close relations:/They're people whom we're bound to prize,/To honour, love, and idolize,/And, following the old tradition,/To visit come the Christmas feast,'Or send a wish by mail at least;/All other days they've our permission/To quite forget us, if they please-/So grant them, God, long life and ease!"

"Fare thee well, and if for ever, Still for ever, fare thee well." -Byron

And this last one is a portion of the book that hit me hard at the heart. I'd memorize it if I liked poetry :)

chp 4 st. 51 "...Oh, blest is he who lives believing/Who takes cold intellect for naught/Who rests within the heart's sweet places/As does a drunk in sleep's embraces/Or as, more tenderly I'd say/ A butterfly who blooms of May/ But wretched he who's too far-sighted/Whose head is never fancy-stirred/Who hates all gestures, each warm word/As sentiments to be derided/Whose heart...experience has cooled/And barred from being loved...or fooled!"

Ok, I lied, just one more! I posted this on my door after my roommate and I laughed at the truthfulness of it.

chp 3 st. 22"I've known great beuties proudly distant/As cold and chaste as winter snow/Implacable, to all resistant/Impossible for mind to know/I've marveled at their haughty manner/Their natural virtue's flaunted banner/And I confess, from them I fled/As if in terror I had read/Above their brows the sign of Hades:/Abandon Hope, Who Enter Here!/ Their joy is striking men with fear/For love offends these charming ladies./ Perhaps along the Neva's shore/You too have known such belles before."

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I don't think anyone would be offended by poetry! And if people get offended by something you post, that's their problem!