Sunday, March 29, 2009


It's about time for an update friends. I've got loads of pictures that I've wanted to share in the past couple of weeks, but just haven't gotten around to it. As such, I've weened out most of them down to the photos that I like the best :D
Oh so pretty! This is the top of the mountain at Sundance. If you are actually there in person, you can see my house (ok...not really...I don't own a house)! Also if you are there in person, I suggest you go down Bishop's Bowl (or get good enough to do so) because then you can fulfill a dream of mine for me. If I get to go skiing one more time up at Sundance I WILL go down Bishop's Bowl. As it is I have no intention of going skiing within the next few weeks, and I feel that is going to be all the time I have to go because the snow is slowly, but surely, melting away...
On a lighter note, I look like an Oompa Loompa. I was privileged to go to Festival of Colors! (p.s., this picture gives me such exquisite joy, at first I thought I'd be annoyed that I looked like an oompa loompa...but now I <3 it!).It was 1) in an effort to educate myself as to other religions and 2) to have fun...I didn't do too hot on the first one though because I don't even know what the festival is about...uhm...but I think it's an interesting festival none the less...
:D I got a care package from my old young women's leader! I have to say that though I love the whole package, these two things were definitely at the top of the list of things that made me uncontrollably happy. The item on the left is a Dora the Explora toothbrush. Yes I have tried to use it and yes it does now just sit on my vanity in disuse, but the fact that I own one makes me giggle a little each time I see it! The item on the right is AMAZING! I LOVE PEZ!!! I have to honestly keep myself from eating too much of the stuff by reminding myself I don't want diabetes when I'm older. This link will take you to two pez dispensers that I own that are my prize and joy, C3P0 and R2D2. This goofy one will soon be added to it. It reminds me of my sister, for it her boyfriend hehehe...anyways, I would collect pez dispensers if it weren't for the fact that they, on the most part, look cheaply made...and I don't collect cheap.

If you don't know what I'm pointing at...that is very unfortunate for you. Go watch 'The Emperor's New Groove'!It is a llama. It is amazing (though that one was going to spit on me, I could tell). It was also the fattest llama there, you just can't tell from the picture. I love animals :D and whenever I get a chance to see an 'exotic' one, I tend to get overly excited. There was a peacock there too...but those annoy me.Lastly, here is my sister! :D I am proud to announce that she is back from a 1 and 1/2 year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! Already I must report that she has a facebook, a cellphone, and has probably read the rest of the Twilight Series that she had to catch up on by now. She has always been a fast learner and a smart cookie. I'm so proud of her service and will reward her in the future with a trip to see her boyfriend ( disneyland...ha...ha...) to be sure! I also still need to ask her how many llama's she saw on her mish...cause I have proof that I've seen one, and I've always been competitive about these things.

So there you have it. Random updates about various things that I wanted to blog about but never got around to it. :D

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