Tuesday, March 17, 2009

So I Was Thinking...

...that my studies have ruined the fun of Google. I was googling something to write about (a picture or something) when my class and how it can be applied to google clicked in my head. Maybe it came from my stong aversion for word problems and how they make you apply math to 'real-life' situations. Maybe because googling something and seeing what comes up is very amusing for me-a sort of escape from work-and connecting the two is taboo. Maybe I need to accept the fact that the math behind google has simply become a part of my life whether I want to be a geek or not. Whatever it may be, I am intent on being an avid randomly-googling-things-waster-of-time person no matter what math problems go through my head as I do it!

This is a picture I got from googling 'Thinking in French'...

Also I've found that I've begun to think in French. Quel Horreur! There is a reason why this upsets me...the thing is I not-so-secretly make fun of people who say things like "Oh, I can't think of the word in English." or "Well, in Spanish it's called 'animo', but there's really no word for it in English" (the answer to that is-> yes, animo does translate into english->geeky) (That's from Divine Comedy btw). I often also begin to shoot random words at them like a thesaurus, but to no avail. They are as dumbfounded as I am ignorant of what they are talking about. So when I go to tell someone that I'd forgotten to bring something over and I almost say 'Oh, I oublie the thing!" I truly am reminded that God has a sense of humor as I glare at the heavens in indignation at this turn of events.

In the end I think I need to accept the fact that the things I'm studying are actually staying with me as I subconsciously try and apply them in my life. How precious. I need to learn to accept myself.


Natalie said...

Ha funny funny. We were actually talking about this today in physics. that learning puts you at a higher thinking level. So, it is ok to start pondering on the forces acting on your car as your driving. :)

Strawboat said...

I'm still not converted. Maybe one day I'll accept this 'higher thinking' you speak of...like in the near future...hopefully...