Saturday, March 27, 2010

Woodstock...G rated

So I went to celebrate the Festival of Colors at my local Hindu temple. While everyone, myself included, go and take copious pictures of colored individuals, I thought I'd take this opportunity to bring some pictures of the characters at the festival.

This young man made the unfortunate error of talking loudly enough for me to hear whilst I was eating. My favorite thing he said, "This is like Woodstock!!!"


Has this young man ever been to Woodstock?

Obviously he has.

This guy is just cool and smart cause he's got science goggles!

Guh, this couple was just so ridiculously in love it was...ridiculous.

(sorry this is sideways) What I loved most about this guy is that he claimed to have 25 bags of chalk...and I believed him! Holy Cow! How was he going to use it all! I just had three bags...

This guy was my favorite!!! If you look closely, he carefully painted from his chin to forehead a rainbow of colors with chalk! <3

Easter Bunny?

With the way this festival goes's not woodstock...but I wouldn't call it Temple Atmosphere either...Hence why I love this oxymoron of a sign!

I came here last year for the festival and the thing is...this stuff wasn't here before. This leads me to believe that they are doing very well for putting this festival on. Very well indeed. Way to be amazing Hindu temple!

I don't really know what these animals are called D: But they were enjoying the festival as well. They prefer orange chalk.

The last and best thing I'll be sharing with you is the food. The red stuff tasted like chili and I do love me some spinach! Oh it was yummy! And I've had Indian food. It's very spicy and weird. But luckily I'm in Utah where they believe in dumbing down all the spices for our little baby Americanized mouths :D And boy was it delicious!

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