Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday thoughts- part 6

Naps. Love 'em or hate 'em. most people love them...or...'em. But I just don't like them. I'll digress, I really do enjoy the naps that come from when I'm reading a book on the couch and I fall asleep to it because then I start dreaming about the book! And that's always fun. Otherwise I usually just wake up tired and unmotivated. Sunday naps are always good I suppose I medium-like naps.

I'm afraid that I will die if I put in both earbuds right now. Not really in the sense that my soul will cease to sojourn on this Earth but that I will lose at my assassins game. But then I keep thinking that THIS will happen. Then I remember that I jog in an indoor track and I'm slightly appeased...but I could still lose at my assassins game if I jog with my earbud's and my killer finds me! Man...this game causes me to have far too many ridiculous ideas.

Speaking of ideas, I've been having the weirdest nightmares for the past four days. I kinda blame it, once again, on the stress of the game. But what does my entire high school volleyball team have to do with the assassin's game? I don't even talk to any of them anymore! Anyways, they were there to haunt my dreams...and it was weird waking up from it.

One of my life goals is to be called as the Temple Organist. Anytime I go to the temple and they are playing the dulcet tones of the hymns, I just want to be the one playing them! Then I always giggle when they miss a note or something...but I don't know if that's be laughing at someone in the Temple; it being a place of peace and love.

Update with the assassin's game since I've mentioned it twice: I'm still alive, there are 30 people left, and I lost my pin on Tuesday only to be regained today. So I might have to go 'kill' someone tonight.

Another thing that naps do to me is that they make me horribly scatter-brained. Hence my random thoughts for today's post. :)

1 comment:

Holly K said...

It is impossible for me to nap for short periods of time because I get so anxious about waking up and doing things that I can't fall asleep. Lazy naps are okay, though. As in ones where they just happen and I don't actually need to wake up and do something at a given time.