Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Thoughts-Part 5

Update: I am the proud owner of that number 1 choice painting I was telling you about. It is gorgeous! Now I just have to decide if I'll be a rebel and stick a nail in my wall...

What's on my mind? Well, to be completely honest, it's my current employment status. I have a great desire to leave the scene of my Catering career and invest in something closer to my major. But to be even more honest, it's like ripping out a part of my heart and throwing it to the dogs. Catering is comforting, while at the same time, it's fallen from grace. The first two years were the glory days. Catering was less like work and more like an escape from the woes of school to spend time with people who are interesting and great friends. But after a string of imagined abuses on my part, I'm afraid it's time for a change. I wanted to last my whole college career there though. I wanted to prove to myself that I could take the monotony that would come with sticking to one job. I wanted to prove so much but I don't feel that I did.

However, I did learn a lot. I learned how to carry three plates and look good doing it. I learned a lot on how to make a dinner go well and how to plan events (it made my last birthday a smashing success I must say). I learned I'm more like my Father than I ever thought I was (good thing) and that I am a force to be reckoned with! I learned that I have some very odd ideas on what looks nice for decoration and what doesn't. I can carry 5 blue crates of 20 plate covers each. I learned that no matter what you do for them, some people just can't be appeased. I have no fear when I get behind the wheel of a huge truck (or any car smaller than it). I now have some idea how much effort it takes to make a syndicated comic strip. I have been known to go into "Captain Mode" and every time I do, it makes me smile.

In the end, I'm not going to let Catering be a bad ending. It's a good place to work. I will always look back on it with fond memories. As to my future plans I'm currently looking for a job that either deals with econ or is clerical. I've always wanted to be a secretary. Plus I LOVE libraries and they have clerical work GALORE.

But know this! I will always have Captain hands.


Unknown said...

I'm sure the true reason the first two years were the best because I was still there:)

Strawboat said...

The two are definitely connected :)