Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Got Crutches?

Every year up at the Y, these people put on a handicapped accessibility awareness thing. They have you do a little activity (like ride around in a wheel chair, or walk around with crutches) and after you complete it you get a cool t-shirt! I've wanted to do it each year, but have always opted out, saying I'm too busy.

But it's something deeper than that. I don't meant to impugn the troubles of others by faking to go through what they do for just one day. I do my best to have empathy in other ways, like opening doors for them, or giving them rides if I had a car/capabilities, etc.

However, it turns out I get to have empathy in another way. I noted today as I limped around campus with a bruised food (I'm still not used to my cleats for soccer and when I kicked the ground with them, the ground kicked back) just how much stairs suck. Also slight inclines. Also, seating arrangements for people with long legs. Complaining aside, I just wanted to note that the accessibility activity for the t-shirt was last week and my 'injury' is this week. The irony amuses me. I kinda want to pick up a pair of crutches just for the novelty!