Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mrs. Brightside

If you're wondering how I'm doing right now, I'm eating Yogurt with a butter knife. I'm trying to conserve on spoon usage? And yes, I am weird, but not THAT weird. This weekend has been further away from awesome on the scale of how amazing a weekend could be. However, as always, I refuse to let bad things bring a disheartening shade to the color of my life.

My kitchen sink isn't working. We told ye olde landlord (it's talk like a pirate day, arrr!) that it t'wasn't working and he put a sign on it for three days saying not to use it and let the water drain. But when I had three days worth of three girls cereal-milk-filled bowls on the counters of our rather small kitchen, I decided I could no longer turn a blind eye. So I called him again and he tried to fix it (good sport, it was nasty) but in the end we have to call a plumber tomorrow. I took all my dishes over yesterday, with the help of my ever so wonderful roommate, to the neighbors house and did them there. (Hence me eating with a knife because I don't want to run out of clean spoons when I can get creative in my yogurt eating ways.) (Imagine: "Hey neighbor, random request, can I use you're sink to wash my dishes? Thanks!")

But I would not have my kitchen troubles end there, no! When I got home Friday afternoon, I thought it would be a good idea to boil some water for cider to combat my new-est illness. Yes, I woke up Friday morning and I was barely able to breath and had a fever by the end of the day. It makes for a fun Friday to say the least. Back to the boiling water. Turns out I turned on the wrong burner and took to incinerating a plastic spatula that was laying innocently on the stove. Note to self: I owe my roommate a new spatula. So I spent the afternoon combating sickness and poisonous gases and the fear that if I fell asleep for a nap, that I would not wake up. Instead, when my doctor tells me that I have lung cancer from inhaling toxic fumes I'll have the witty comeback of "From what doctor? L.A. fumes, Asbestos, or a plastic spatula?"

I forgot about water on the stove on three more occasions for the rest of the weekend. I now set a timer to anything I put on the stove and am considering investing in a tea kettle that whistles at me.

My Saturday was eventful. I don't do hw when I'm sick, and in college that puts you behind. Very behind. With that stress in mind, I set down to play the original Spyro game. Now keep in mind, most video games are designed to give a player an average time of 40+ hours of game play in order to beat it 100%. Also keep in mind that I promised my father that I would not bring video games with me to college. That being said, I am proud to say I not only beat the Spyro game start to finish in a 10 hour period (10 a.m. to 8 p.m.) but I also got it to 95% completion without saving it once!

Sunday was uneventful. I was planning on doing hw since I had hoped my head would've cleared up by today, but I was wrong. So now I have to look forward to racing to do all my hw, hoping I don't have a quiz in one of my classes, and getting over the last stages of an illness that left me on my couch for three days.

No, my life isn't as bad as it could be. That is why tomorrow I will do my hw quite well because I'm actually pretty good at math, take that quiz if it comes without a shade of fear, and drink lots of hot water mixed with honey and lemon juice (being one of the tastiest things in the world) to overcome the last trickles of my illness. I'm feeling worlds better (seeing as I can breath and don't have a fever), I'll have a skip in my step as I treat myself to new music, and I'll probably do something amazing tomorrow to compensate for being a bump on a log for the whole weekend.

So there life. Take you're misery-inducing experiences and know that I'm making them happy ones. And I always will. :P

Life: "You'll regret that emoticon."
Me: "I know!"
Life: "Well! Now you'll REALLY regret it."

p.s. Google "eating yogurt with a butter knife" and look at the images results. It's funny. Especially page 5 as it comes up with a picture of the cast of Baywatch.

1 comment:

Alec Erickson said...

Chels, I love you so much haha! I just had so much fun providing a reading of this post to Andrew and Marcus. Andrew and I enjoyed it seeing as we helped in parts of your weekend. Marcus just found it amusing. PS - The burner with the toxicity on it is in my food cupboard ;)