Friday, June 25, 2010

How California is better

I think as I go about in my life that this question will, but shouldn't, plague me. Which state is better? Inherently I say California because I'm from there AND my family is there. But every day I spend in Texas increases it in my eyes! The food, the clouds, the sights, etc. As such, I must simply keep my best defense as to how California is better foremost in my mind. I've used this tactic against many a people to say California is the best state and so far it's been inrefutable...until I came to Texas.

All the Texans I meet don't believe this fact of mine! I have tried over and over in the last month to get them to see it for the truth that it is! They point to the copious amounts of country songs as their source for victory! However, now I've found proof. Let the facts speak for themselves...

Songs about Texas vs. Songs about California


Michael said...

Texas is a nice place to visit, but California is a nice place to home to. You can't beat the weather on the California coast, nor can you beat the food, shopping, sights, attractions, beaches (Texas beaches suck), people, etc etc etc. Don't lose your bearings, stay strong.

Unknown said...

I have to agree with you, but I have heard people from Texas tend to be more friendly than people from CA... at least the part of CA that I am from! haha