Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Thoughts-part 3

I have a new music love interest.

Tangent: An update on my favorite band. The Killers have almost beat out The Beatles. The reason being that The Beatles have more songs out than The Killers, inherently tallying the number of songs that I like of said artists in their favor. So until the future release of some more Killers happiness, Beatles stand: End Tangent

He's got class, he's got sass. He plays the piano and writes his own songs. You may know him best for his song "Rock and Roll" and I just randomly discovered him down the line compared to many, many others. His name is Eric Hutchinson. His fan's are called Hutchheads? But I discovered him for a different reason. On an undisclosed website, I was directed to his page on Youtube and fell in love with his newest project, namely, making up songs based on suggestions from fans. Not only are the songs not stupid, but rather catchy!

Since this is supposed to be mainly a thought digression, I will simply feature one of these videos/songs. It's called "The BCS SUX". It applies to my football team! Who would write a song about the BCS, I mean, seriously!? So cool. While I am not personally informed on how the BCS works, I have heard many a oh-so-fanatical guys in my ward complain about the BCS. I can see some truth in Mr. Hutchinson's song. Every year I seem to get the privilege of decorating the USC Rose Parade float. While I'm sure they are an excellent team, it fills me with chagrin since I'm more of a Bruin's girl. But as I stated before, it's quite the catchy tune! I hope it to be purchasable in the near future.

Well, I hope you take this opportunity to discover Mr. Hutchinson if you haven't already. I hope his music fills you with such inexplicable joy as it does for me.

1 comment:

Holly K said...

I like him too! I think "All Over Now" is my favorite song, though.