Friday, July 10, 2009

des photos

Remember those pictures I promised? Well, turns out I took them on my camera and not the sd I can't get them off. But I wanted to share some cool photos from my recent escapades anyways :D Even if they didn't occur at 5 in the morning :D

So this is the most nature-ish thing I have on my camera currently, I made a face with the sun and a cloud. I think it's probably the coolest thing I've ever seen :D whoot for mustaches!

Ok, so I suppose this is nature-ish too. It's Provo all lit up for 4th of July! You can't really see the fireworks...but they are there, I promise!So I went to a parade and they had a tank. After said parade I was riding my bike to a friends house and the tank pulled up beside to me on it's way to wherever it's kept and I thought to myself "Sure, you may go faster than me, but I bet neither of us can blow anything up!" At least...I hope it was an unarmed tank. Ngh!
I took a hike, and with any traditional hike you have to get yourself a stick and...look like a hick?
So on my 'vacation' I went to Disneyland and I have to say, there are many an opportunity for optical illusions there! :D
Dakota graduated! Gush!
He Graduated again! (from seminary) And this picture was quite the adventure. My bro doesn't like hugs, so my sister tried to tackle him...he's twice our size! it's hard! But when I my dad put his hand in the mix, we got the picture! :D Or should I say pick? doesn't rhyme no matter how much I want it to...

Well, yay for pictures!

1 comment:

Alec Erickson said...

Sad day for no rhymes... How about billiard hall and rent a car? lol