Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Christine faire car

So, for those of you who don't know the wonderful language that is French, Christine faire car (which is not even conjugated correctly) literally means Christine to do because. One might think this an irrational sentence; but when your tired and want to say Christine is driving a car it makes more sense.

There are just times as a human being when things come out of your mouth that are well intentioned and do make sense in your mind, but get lost in translation between your brain and your mouth. Then again there are times when it isn't an accident that you mis-spoke. I was with my friends the other day and someone comes in the room with a box of Capri Suns. "Oh! Capri Suns!" my first friend exclaims...then my second friend says, "you mean Cap-re suns."

Ah...Tomato To-ma-toe.

My other personal favorites are the various ways to say Aunt, marvelous, fahitas, quesadilla, etc. (mehbe it's just Americans attempting to speak other languages).

Which leads me to wonder who says what more? I mean, I was planning on putting aunt vs. aunt in googlefight.com but for some reason I don't think pronunciation does well in online written verse. Oh...and if you were wondering...


smileykatpea said...

i do have to say this...i tend to pronounce things,not necessarily the way i was taught,but by refusing to pronounce them as if i am some hoity-toity snotty-pants that wants to make it sound more "sophisticated". target/tar-jey...

Strawboat said...

hey, hey, hey. I say tar-jey! :( But I say it because it's 'French' and rediculous. I suppose I'll refrain from it in the future ;)