Friday, December 31, 2010

Don't use epic

As I would normally say after returning to something on the computer after leaving it for a long time, time to dust off the keyboard.

So what's new since my last post!? Well I did get home for Thanksgiving and I did find a ride home for Christmas! I hitched a ride from the rideboard on campus and it made me thankful that I worked for Catering. The driver, instead of being a stranger, was a random obscure wait staff who I knew (by her face. I am horrible with names).

I have fulfilled some life goals! I went to Death Valley for vacation and fulfilled my desire to fulfill Psalms 23:4 in real life (i.e. walking through death valley, bwahaha!), I finally got more clothes for Christmas than other types of gifts for the first time in my life (willingly), and I passed all my classes whoot!

Some epic fails are that my plans for graduate school are post-poned. Also, I used the word fail AND epic, which according to a news report in an elevator I was riding in today is a big 2011 no-no. But yeah, I won't be applying for grad school for at least another year. So I'll just have to occupy my time til then.

Like I could read great American classics :D. I'm reading "Gone With the Wind" right now and it's given me a new requirement about my future husband. He must have a gleam in his eyes that defies analysis! What that means, I'm sure is not attainable in real life. But I like it just the same.

There's oodles more, because obviously I don't have a boring life, but I don't recall it at the moment. There were also a ton of blog posts I was going to do over the course of the past 3 months but now I've whittled them down to only one. Yay! Oh, and happy New Years!

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