Monday, November 15, 2010


I keep coming to blog and then decide to delete my post, so I'm just going to get some basics out.

1. Little bro is finally out in the mission field. He's literally a mile from the beach. Trust me...I google mapped it. (Thought I'd get my inner stalker on)

2. Going to go see Brandon Flowers Wednesday (pictures forthcoming). Pretty much going to be one of the best days of my life...and yet there's a shadow over it because all the people I wanted to come can't because I couldn't pay from them/they are too young.

3. Applying for graduate school is hard. Please University of Chicago! Accept me for who I AM!!!

4. I get to go home for Thanksgiving :D Now I just have to find a ride home for Christmas :D

5. The last Football game I'm ever going to work is next Saturday. Bitter, bitter sweet.

6. I've been doing a lot of introspection lately and, I must admit, I think I'm going to have to add 'trying to be an appropriate decimal level' to the list. A friend of mine insisted that he could hear me across the quad today as I was yelling at another friend...and I believe him!

That's about it. So yeah. :D


Holly K said...

Based solely on your tweets, I got the impression you have been a little down lately. But I'm glad you still have awesome/scary/exciting things going on in your life. :)

Holly K said...

Also, having just reviewed your tweets, I'm not sure why I thought that in the first place. So, um, keep up the good work?

Strawboat said...

haha. See Holly, I tweet in a way that people who actually don't know me are deceived as to my happiness. No worries, you're not far off the mark. But I like to think of it as earning my optimism, which I am :D

Unknown said...

Chelsea! Sounds like life is pretty good for you right now!:) I hope you go to school in Chicago too! Then I have another reason to go back and visit:) And I am glad your pretend brother is doing well & that you stalk him!!