Saturday, April 3, 2010

Protestors; You Don't Know Who's Reading Those Signs of Yours

So I went to General Conference for the first time in my life. I find that everyone that goes to General Conference usually likes to geek out about it and how amazing it was. It was amazing. On to the REAL reason why I went ;)
Protesters!!! Ok, so this first photo is actually a group of men who were singing hymns. So I suppose they were protesting sin? Yes. Either way, I include them cause they were right next to the protesters.
See! They line the sidewalk and the protesters are the ones with the signs in the back of this photo. I found it amusing

I took many candid shots. This man had a sign over him. It was really cold, so this guy must be dedicated in his opinions...

I was actually kinda disappointed in the array of protesters. There were only about 5. D: And they didn't shout or make a ruckus or anything. How respectful...but very detrimental to me making fun of them.Ok, so the real reason I went to General Conference was to watch General Conference. This is where I sat. It was quite the view. But I kept watching the monitor!!! I had to keep telling myself "You're here in person! Watch the speaker not the screen!" and then I did.

This is the beginning of my drawing of Billie Joe. I'll get it finished by the morrow hopefully. :D

This is our little band of members that went! It was fun!

This picture is specifically for Alec. She said there wasn't a Chipotle in Utah. :)


Michael said...

I'm excited to see the picture of Billie Joe. Too bad he spells his name like a girl. Very uncharacteristic...but maybe that's what makes it so characteristic of him.

Anyway, I'm glad you found a ride to the CC and were able to attend an almost protester-free session of C.

I have sat in that same section a few times. I like how close it is to the rostrum, but I hate the angle.

Alec Erickson said...

Haha thanks for all of it Chelsea. And I don't know the person above but I love Billie Joe and now must shun you for thinking less of him ;) (jk)

Unknown said...

ohhh man I still have yet to go to a Chipotle... :(