Saturday, April 24, 2010


Aren't they CUUUTTEEE!!! Well. That aside, I have a story for you now.
I was walking home after visiting the LRC at my local library when I saw a common sight. There was a mother duck with (what luck!) baby ducks! They were SO CUTE!!! But I noticed something as I was walking, the mother duck was quacking and her baby ducks were responding. However it sounded like there were a lot more ducklings than the two that were visible. It turns out there were some ducklings who fell down a storm drain! I looked down the drain and saw that there were 9 down there!

So what do I do? Well...I have always wanted to make it into this. So I called the police to get some help. I needed help because I couldn't reach the duckies with my arms to help them they were so deep down the hole. The cop came and then left again to see what materials he could get to help. While he was gone I got a little creative. I realized I had two shoelaces and a byu bookstore bag. So I attached the bag at the end of the shoe laces, lowered my contraption into the drain, and went about catching me some ducklings. I caught 5 before he came back and then he helped me catch the remaining ducklings. We returned them to their mother and all was well in the world!

So what is the moral of this story? Well...when the 8 people before you fall down out of sight, you probably shouldn't keep walking in their paths. Remember Earth Day! And remember that there's always something you can do with the tools you have at hand.

p.s. I REALLY hope I make the Police Beat!

1 comment:

Debbi said...

chels! i am so proud of you my little roomie! you are saving lives! yay!