I would be speaking tortiloquy if I were to say that things are going well. I feel like everyone is playing piladex with me ( ok, really it's all in my head), and no matter how much I strive to be an inveteratist, I still just feel like throwing a
sinapistic muffin at everyone. It would seem, in reality, I'm being overly tenellous at the moment. I am. Perhaps I should go give blood...I'm sure they have a dromograph at one of the blood donor places. Or I could help someone out by buying them a scandiscope! Well, I'm sure it would help someone who owns a recineration house...or I could just cook my favorite meal...lardlet and steak! :D Grilled to perfection! That would help me feel better...
Vocab Cheat Sheet:
scandiscope-device for cleaning chimney's
recineration-second time a thing or place is burned down
tortiloquy-dishonest or immoral speech.
dromograph-instrument for measureing velocity of blood flow.
vappous-flat, bland.
lardlet-small piece of bacon used to enrich meat.
pamphagous-eating or consuming everything.
sinapistic-consisting of mustard.
tenellous-somewhat tender.
piladex-game where an inflated bag is hit with hand to keep aloft.
inveteratist-one who resists reform; one who holds to tradition.