Saturday, June 27, 2009

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

So I'm off of my vacation now and I'm back to work and school! I happen to have gotten a raise this past month and now I'm taking part of it in full swing. I have to say my favorite part is walking to work. I'm not saying this to be sick and twisted since I wake up at the crack of dawn, but because I like the scenery! So, tomorrow I'm going to take some pictures and put them up for all to see! Albeit I don't know if I can capture it, but I'll try!

Being back in school finds me back in the swing of learning. Like learning about the 12th book of the Robert Jordan series! Tangent: Oh man, if you're looking for an amazing read, read The Wheel of Time series. It's worth all the work you have to put into it. I say work because each book is about 1000 pages of glorious literature long. If you want a scale of how long that takes to read, it's about a 20-26 hour read for me personally, and I average about 30 pages an hour with this book. Anyways, I've learned what the cover looks like (see above), that the release party is going to be held at BYU, and that Brandon Sanderson is 55% done with the book :D. See, sadly Robert Jordan died...and therefore his wife was put in charge of finishing the series. One thing lead to another and she chose Sanderson to finish the series.

So I'm geeking out about the book, but I won't be reading it. Honestly, maybe I should make a hit-list titled "Books that are amazing but I refuse to read them though I desperately want to." On it would be ALL of Robert Jordan's works and Brandon Sanderson's stuff. *sigh* Why you might ask? Well, I suppose it's cause I chose not to and therefor I am not.

Speaking of being obstinate, it was Lisa's birthday yesterday! She's my freshman friend who has now come to join me in the college life. Yesterday we celebrated her birthday and boy howdy was it fun! We wandered around and I had to force her to let me buy her ice cream, bwahaha! But it was fun and I just wanted to get that shout out, out there whilst I could! Happy Birthday Lisa! *throws confetti*

1 comment:

Alec Erickson said...

What? You didn't shrink wrap her bed for her birthday?? lol You just <3 me more ;)