Sunday, May 24, 2009

Especially Frivolous Youth

It's THAT time of year again. That's correct, tomorrow it all starts again. I get to feed the kiddies that attend Especially For Youth for the week. And the fun doesn't stop there! There are multiple sessions as well! It's an LDS sponsored camp that I, whether fortunately or not so, never attended. In fact, I think I will always be rather happy that I never went. Although many have gained spiritually strengthening experiences from EFY (since it IS a spiritual camp) I find my time was better spent elsewhere.

I had the wonderful privilege of going to Arrowbear Music Camp. No it's not a BAND camp, but a place we'd go to play the classics. I played flute and piccolo :D And just to show you some of the reasons why I love it, here are a few comparisons.

1) I met my best friend there!

No friends were made when I didn't go to EFY. If you were wondering.

2) Arrowbear's 'Theme Song' is better. (EFY's) And I am pretty sure I remember adding the 'Oie' to that song :D

3)The music was probably 20 times more amazing and enriching than any EFY music (minus the hymns) that could ever be played. Ever.

4) The fact that we also woke up to revelry every morning. I don't know what EFY kids wake up to, but it can't beat revelry and the race soon after to see who got to the breakfast line first :D

There aren't very many other comparisons to make with only Youtube video's at your disposal. But I do believe that Arrowbear's the place to be. It is full of fun, and harmony! Even IF we get KP! It's music, music, music. Glorious! I love that place.

So, when the kiddies get me down because they are just that, kids. I will simply slip off into yesteryear when all was well in life and all I had to worry about was tootin my flute.


Marie said...

Ah, yes, band camp. I don't care what you say, even if it's not for "band", music camp is band camp. Although, maybe I should have clicked on some of the links to see what you were talking about exactly...
I played saxophone, and I did go to band camp- it was some of the best few weeks of my high school life. That, and band trips to Tennessee and Texas. I didn't know that you played the flute... but I can definately see you playing the picolo- the loudest, and most annoying- I mean, least able to be ignored. ;)
I didn't go to EFY either. And for some reason I have taken this opportunity to tell you everything about myself. But, I shall stop now.

Strawboat said...

>.> It's NOT band camp. There was no marching involved.