Sunday, December 27, 2009


I must admit, I had to look up how to spell pessimism. It just isn't in my vocabulary, and any who know me know that I love my extensive vocabulary.
I decided to try pessimism this past semester. As you can guess, it went dismally wrong. I'd have something to be pessimistic about, like not doing well on a quiz or my dad loosing his job, but then I'd come home at the end of the day all sad...and to be quite frank I didn't like that. I've just never really had the opportunity to have so many things to be sad about really...
So you're sad...all the time. Me, I love to smile and try to make others do the same. So I began to think that I was putting up a facade. Why should I act happy when I'm sad? But really, I just turn out to be a happy person. I guess what I'm trying to say guys is that it's not worth it to be sad or overly pessimistic. I've always wondered if by allowing myself to be overly sad I'd be forever condemned to stay so. But no, I think I've come out the better. Cause now I can see how to make the sad things better. I say better instead of happy because you're never going to be happy about loosing an expensive textbook; but there are ways you can go about making it a better situation than sitting there feeling sorry for yourself. Because then you realize the next day when you find that text book at the lost and found that there was no real reason for you to be pessimistic. And if you didn't find it and didn't have the money to buy another? There are ways around that if you just think about it instead of dwelling on being sad.

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