Sunday, March 20, 2011


So I'm reading Russian Novels that, me being the feminist that I am, are read. Enjoy.

"..A woman is like a sack--it holds whatever you put in it..."-Gogol

"Sooner some other female weakness, but no one has yet reproached me for thievery."-Gogol

"Just let the mamas and the aunties start working on [a young girl] now. In a year they'll have her so filled with all sorts of female stuff that her own father won't recognize her."-Gogol

"Since Poets began writing and woman began reading them (for which our heartfelt thanks), they have been called angels so often that, in their simplicity, they've come to accept this compliment as the truth. They forgot that the same poets (in return for money) acclaimed Nero as a demigod."-Lermontov (I don't know if I've quoted this one before...sorry if I have)

Here's another other funny one not related so much to anti-women-ness :D

"...agreeable conversation is better than any food."Gogol

1 comment:

Michael said...

As a male chauvinist, I would have read over those lines and never would have thought twice...